Socorro/SocorroUI/Branches Admin

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Socorro admins may use the branches admin page to add, edit and delete versions for each product.

Missing Entries and Incomplete Entries

At the top of the admin screen you will notice 2 sections labeled Missing Entries and Incomplete Entries.

The Missing Entries section contains Product Versions that have been submitted in crashes but are not found in any other data tables. Click Add to add this missing to the productdims and product_visibility tables.

The Incomplete Entries section contains Product Versions that have been submitted in crashes and are found in the productdims table but not the product_visibility table. Click Add and follow the on-screen instructions to complete this entry. Adding the Product Version to the product_visibility table will inform Socorro whether it is a current product, and if it should be featured on the Product dashboard.

Products and Versions

Within the Products section you will find a list of all of the Versions associated with that product, and the details for each Version. Click Update next to any Version to alter the Branch, Release, Start Date, End Date or Featured for that Version.

Each Version has an associated start date and end date. When accessing Crash Stats, Socorro UI will only display Versions that have a start date before and end date after the current date.

When adding a new Version, by default the start date will be set to the current date and the end date will be set to 90 days after the current date. This may be changed at any time by clicking Update next to the Version.

A Version may be deleted at any time by clicking Delete next to that Version.

Featured Versions

Admins may customize which Versions appear on the Product dashboard by checking the Featured checkbox when adding or editing a Version. A maximum of 3 current Versions may be selected for each Product. If no current Versions are selected for a Product, Socorro will display the highest numbered Version of current Major, Milestone and Development Versions.


A new Branch may be added by clicking Update next to any Version, and manually entering the Branch number in the input field.


Note: Throttle values do not affect either the client-side crash report throttling or throttling of incoming crash reports for the server side of Socorro. It is only used to help provide correct data for the Crashers per User counts.

The Throttle value associated with a Version in the Branches Admin Panel is used on the Crashers per User pages. They are used to help determine the estimated number of crashes per active daily user for each product / version.

Throttling can be applied on both the client, and on the server side collector as a way to help load balance the processing of crash reports.

Client Side Throttling

Older versions of Firefox (3.5.x and below) set a default of 10% of users to opt-in to sending in crash reports. 3.6 and later versions removed this and set a default of all users sending in crash report. While a user can change this setting we make the assumption that a large percentage of users will leave the default unchanged.

Server Side Throttling

The Socorro collector can be configured to move reports to not process a given percentage of incoming reports and move them to deferred storage for each product release.

Determining and Setting an Effective Throttling Rate

While there might be separate Throttle values on both the client-side and server-side the Admin Panel provides for a way to combine the assumptions and settings about how many reports Socorro might be processing from the entire active user population and enter this setting an "Effective Throttling Rate".

For example: For a Firefox 3.5.x release a 10% client side throttling multiplied by 10% server side throttling level gives an Effective Throttling rate of 1% of crash reports being processed by the active user population.

For a Firefox 3.6.x or Firefox 4 release there is no client side throttling, just an assumption about how many users change the default for sending in crash reports. There is just the server side throttle rate set in the collector configuration file.

An Admin should check the collector configuration file, make an estimate of client side participation in sending in reports and enter the effective throttle rate when setting up a product release.