Socorro/SocorroUI/Top Crashers

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The Socorro UI top crasher reports show statistics about items that have caused the most crashes for each product / version.

Top Crasher Reports

These reports provide filters which allow the user to display crash reports specific to a Crash Type as well as a period of time (3, 7, 14 and 28 days).

By Domain

The top crasher reports by domain page shows which domain names have caused the most crashes for each product / version.

Each domain name provides a link to show all of the URLs associated with this domain, ordered by the number of crashes for each URL.

Domain URLs may also be expanded to show the top crashing signatures associated with each URL.

Alexa Topsite information is also shown beside each domain if the domain is in Alexa's top 1000 websites.

By Signature (Default View)

The top crasher reports by signature page shows which crash signatures are associated with the most crashes for the selected product / version.


For each crash signature, you will also find details about:

  • Trend - The increase or decrease in rank of this crash signature for this product / version since the last top crasher report for the selected time frame.
  • Percentage - The percentage of crashes against the overall crash volume for this time frame.
  • Diff - The change in percentage of crashes against the overall crash volume for this time frame as compared to the previous top crasher report for this time frame.
  • Crash Type Icon - An icon depicting which [[Socorro/SocorroServer/Crash_Types#Icons|crash type] this signature is.
  • Graph Icon - when clicked it will display a graph depicting when the crashes were received over the given time period.
  • Count - The total number of crashes associated with this crash signature.
  • Platform - The total number of crashes associated with this crash signature for each of the Mac, Windows and Linux operating systems.
  • Versions - The specific versions that this crash signature is found within. Allows users to quickly see if this is a new crash signature that is specific to this version or a signature that has existed in pervious versions.
  • Bugzilla IDs - The Bugzilla ticket(s) that have been filed for this crash signature.
  • Correlations - Shows correlated add-ons and modules that are potentially the root cause of this crash signature.

By Topsite

The top crasher by topsite page is similar to the top crash reports by domain name. However, it only displays websites that are in the Top 1000 websites according to Alexa.


The top crasher reports by URL page shows which URLs have caused the most crashes for each product / version.

URLs may also be expanded to show the top crashing signatures associated with each URL.

Alexa Topsite information is also shown beside each URL if its domain is in Alexa's top 1000 websites.

Data Sources


Eventually, top crasher reports will be produced using Hadoop map reduce jobs. The APIs will need to be updated accordingly to continue to return the same data. See Solr API Specs.