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1,060 bytes removed, 18:33, 19 August 2014
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<span style="float:right;">[[File:Firefox-Marketplace.png]]</span>
Mozilla is building a [ Marketplace] to bring personalized discovery, worldwide distribution, and easy payments to the largest platform for app development: [[Apps/Roadmap|the Web]]. Our Marketplace will be imbued with Mozilla's principles of transparency, user control, and open innovation that locked-down platforms lack.
'''The Marketplace Wiki area is under reconstruction with new and updated information'''
== Communications == backchannels===
===Meetings Open for All===
* {| class="wikitable fullwidth-table" ! Meeting !! When? (All times PST) !! Where? !! Point of Contact !! Extra |- | Apps Quarterly Planning|| Quarterly || [ Air Mozilla] || || Schedule varies |- | Product Planning || Monthly; Every 2nd Wednesday @ 0900 || [ Marketplace Vidyo Room] || David Bialer || [ Notes] / [ Notes Archive] |- | Product Delivery || Every Monday @ 1030 || [ Apps Vidyo Room] || Caitlin Galimidi || |- | Payments Product Delivery || Every Tuesday @ 1030 || [ FFOSPay Vidyo Room] || Stephanie Turner || |- | Content Program || Every Friday @ 0900 || AppsContent Vidyo Room || Karen Ward || [ Notes] / #appsContent** |- | Engineering Delivery || Every other Friday @ 1000 || [ Marketplace Vidyo Room] and [ Air Mozilla]|| Wil Clouser || [ Notes] / [ Notes Archive]** Point of Contact for invites |- | uiwanted / productwanted triage || Every Thursday @ 1030 || [ Marketplace Vidyo Room] || Wil Clouser || |- | App Review Program || Every Thursday @ 1000 || AppReview Vidyo Room || Lisa Brewster || [https: apps// Notes] / #app-reviewers |- | Community Meeting || Every other Monday @1400 || AMMO Vidyo Room || Amy Tsay || [ Notes] / #marketplace |-
* Monthly Product Planning (Including Payments)** Every 2nd Wednesday @ 9:00am Pacific** [ Marketplace Vidyo Room]** [ Agendas / Notes Archive]** [ Realtime Agenda / Notes]** Point of Contact : David Bialer * Marketplace : Weekly Product Delivery Meeting** Monday 10:30 am PST** [ Apps Vidyo Room]** Point of Contact : Caitlin Galimidi * Payments : Weekly Product Delivery Meeting** Tuesday 9:00 am PST** [ FFOSPay Vidyo Room]** Point of Contact : Stephanie Turner * Content : Weekly Program Meeting** Friday 9:00 am PST** [ AppsContent Vidyo Room]** [ Etherpad]** IRC channel: #appsContent ** Point of Contact : Karen Ward * Marketplace Engineering Planning Call: Bi-Weekly Engineering Call ** Friday 10am PST (every two weeks)** [ Marketplace Vidyo Room]** Agenda and meeting notes:** IRC channel: #marketplace** Point of Contact: Andy McKay / Wil Clouser** Also on air mozilla:** [ Archived Meeting Notes] * Marketplace uiwanted / productwanted triage** Thursday 10:30am PST** Marketplace vidyo room** IRC channel: #marketplace** Point of Contact: Wil Clouser * Marketplace App Review Program Meeting** Thurs 10-10:30am Pacific** AppReview Vidyo Room** IRC Channel: #app-reviewers** Agenda and meeting notes:** Point of Contact: Lisa Brewster * Marketplace Community Meeting** Every other Monday, 2pm Pacific, starting June 2, 2014** AMMO Vidyo Room** IRC Channel: #Marketplace** Agenda and meeting notes:** Point of Contact: Amy Tsay [:amyt]|}
===Mailing Lists===
* [ dev-marketplace] Open to anyone who wants to discuss Marketplace development
*[mailto:// Marketplace UX] Internal, all Marketplace UX contributors
* [mailto:// Apps-Marketplace Leads] A mailing list for Rick's Direct Reports
== Marketplace Roadmap ==
Check out our '''[[Marketplace/2014_Goals|2014 Goals]]''' The following is a 2013 Marketplace Roadmap. This is updated approximately every 3 months.* and our '''[https://docsjugband.paas.googleallizom.comorg/presentation/d/1v0zrI8fWuMxZnMMCjSbD3UqzTpAf-eeLSFB2He8su_Y/edit?usp=sharing Roadmap as of December 2013current deliverables] (Latest)'''.
====Marketplace Feature Requests====
====[ Marketplace Regional and Carrier Customizations]====
* everything a Carrier / Operator needs to know about [ customizing Marketplace content and payments] for their FfxOS mobile costumers
====[ Release Notes]====
* regular blog [ updates on our marketplace releases] from one of our fabulous web devs
====[ Fireplace Wiki]====
* Fireplace is a packaged version of Firefox Marketplace front-end, it provides hosting and installation of Apps for Firefox and Firefox OS. Currently Firefox Marketplace only supports hosting of Web and Packaged Apps, Certified Apps, are not currently hosted.
====[ Shared FxOS Dependencies]====
* Look up the dependencies shared between Marketplace product, Apps and Partners teams
== Marketplace Functional Diagram ==
== Related Information ==
* Information on the [[Apps|Apps project]] and [[AMO|AMO (add-ons)]]* Information on the [[Apps:Ecosystem|Developer Ecosystem]]
== Archives ==
<div class="NavFrame collapsed">
<div class="NavHead">Archives</div>
<div class="NavContent">
* [ 2013/2014 Roadmap as of September 25, 2013] (Old)
* [ 2013/2014 Marketplace Roadmap as of July 15 2013] (OLD, Deprecated)
* [[Marketplace/Features|Marketplace Feature Pages]] (an experiment; most features are not yet listed here)
* [ Payments Guide] - Obsolete documentation on payments
[[File:Marketplace_2013.png]] </div></div>
== Contact Information ==
* #amo and #marketplace on
* [[AMO:Meeting_Notes|Weekly Status Meeting Notes and Dial-in info]]
* [] newsgroup
* Bugs should go to the [ Marketplace Bugzilla Area]
Confirm, emeritus

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