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228 bytes added, 15:59, 18 October 2014
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* +g - Message filtering using simple string matches. Example: '''/mode #channel +g *candy*'''. Now, no one in #channel can use the word candy. Use multiple /mode commands to add more words. To see the list of banned words, omit the + symbol, e.g.: '''/mode #channel g'''.
* +d - Silence join/part messages until the person speaks. Useful for channels with people who, e.g., IRC from their laptop and flood channels with join/quit messages every time they close their laptop.
* +f - Flood protection - Example: '''/mode #channel +f 7:3''' - If a user types 7 or more line within 3 seconds, they will be kicked. You can also do '''/mode #channel +f *7:3''' to make them kickbanned instead of just kicked.
* +j - Join Flood Protection - Example: '''/mode #channel +j 20:5''' - If 20 or more clients join #channel within 5 seconds, the channel will be locked for 60 seconds, preventing anyone from joining.
* +C - Stops users from using /ctcp on a channel

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