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5 bytes added, 09:54, 14 November 2014
# =Webmaker Clubs =
## ==Preamble==
This is a living document to '''think aloud''' about how Mozilla & friends are evoling our web literacy offering to '''address the following problems:'''
This document describes how we imagine that process working and what we're learning along the way.
## ==What Clubs are==
"Clubs" is a placeholder term. As this initiative develops, it may or may not have the trappings commonly associated with clubs. The term is just to help us hang our thoughts on a noun. It could die. Or it could be what we call it. Let's just see.
## ==What Clubs are not==
Clubs aren't everything we're doing with Webmaker Mentors. But it is a big pilot for us.
In the first phase, clubs will be something mainly co-developed with close partners and Webmaker Super Mentors. While documentation on running a club will be publicly available, we will likely not promote them to the broader community until they are tested and more solid.
## ==Club Creators==
This is a group of collaborators with whom we'll co-develop the club initiative. It is a mixture of larger learning networks and individuals who are dedicated to teaching the web.
## ==Club Content==
We will continue to write and test the club activities and instructions with the club creators.
## ==Club Dependencies ==
We are trying to do this with minimal dependencies on other teams or external factors.
## ==Milestones ==
* Oct 24 -26: Initial club creators conversations at Mozfest. First draft meta arc complete. Pitch doc v1 complete.
## ==Club Clound Nine==
Ideas and links we don't want to forget.
Canmove, confirm, emeritus

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