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2 bytes added, 16:45, 14 November 2014
Preamble: e
This is a living document to '''think aloud''' about how Mozilla & friends are evoling our web literacy offering to '''address the following problems:'''
* '''contributor retention''' How can mentors be encouraged engage with Webmaker longer?* '''higher quality teaching and learning.''' How can the teaching and learning experience be improved for the people doing it? * '''local community growthnetworks.''' How can local learning communities become grow stronger and more networked through Webmaker? * '''contributor retention.''' How can mentors be encouraged engage with Webmaker longer?
We believe the best way to design a solution is to '''build it in the open with lead users and partners based on their needs and interests.''' It should be tested with real mentors and learners and be agile.
This document describes how we imagine that process working and what we're learning along the way.
==What Clubs are==
Canmove, confirm, emeritus

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