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1,419 bytes added, 11:08, 18 November 2014
milestones, formatting
This is a living document to '''think aloud''' about how Mozilla & friends are evoling evolving our web literacy offering to '''address the following problems:'''
* '''higher quality teaching and learning.''' How can the teaching and learning experience be improved for the people doing itmentors and learners?
* '''local community networks.''' How can local learning communities grow stronger and more networked through Webmaker?
* '''contributor retention.''' How can mentors be encouraged engage with Webmaker longer?
We believe the best way to design a solution is to '''build it in the open with lead users and partners based on their needs and interests.''' It should be tested with real mentors and learners and be agile.  There are also '''substantial pieces already made and tested with this model''', so much of what we'll do in '''2015 is consolidate and iterate'''.
This document describes how we imagine that process working and what we're learning along the way.
==='''Series of activities.'''===
A collection of activities to learn about the web. It includes instructions for the mentors on how to faciliate facilitate the activities and materials for learners. There may be ways to recognize learning and participation in these activities.
'''Hypothesis:''' Our theory is that activities should be '''modular and remixable,''' so mentors can easily modify them for their needs. Yet they should also be '''simple to use''' so that mentors feel confident. We also think learners do best when they are '''making something together''' while also and '''taking control of have agency in their own learning.'''
=== '''Lightweight community participation.'''===
'''Hypothesis:''' To be successful with this initiative, we need simple ways for people to share what they're doing in their club and to reflect. This will help us respond to real mentors as well as help mentors help each other. Good social interactions encourage people to stay engaged longer.
=== '''Local activity groups globally networked.'''===
A way for clubs to express their own local flavor, to be locally relevant and to innovate based on local needs. And whatever the local instance looks like, there should be something that unites it globally with other clubs. Things like design elements, webpages or physical gear could be ways to show local and global connections.
'''Hypothesis:''' There are ways to be local beyond simply "geography." Clubs could adapt to audiences and spaces (e.g. adults in a library or young people in an afterschool program), by language (e.g. Bengali or English as Second Language), by partner network (e.g. ThinkBig or CoderDojo). We think clubs will be most successful when mentors & learners can make them their own. Yet there is some shared DNA that connects all clubs.
==='''Leadership development'''===
==What Clubs are not==should cultivate and recognize local leaders. Clubs can be where local leaders test and innovate, as well as create spaces where they have independence and agency that roll up to a larger community. There may be resources and staff support to coach leaders on being more effective and distributed including professional development.
Clubs aren't everything we're doing with Webmaker Mentors. But 'Hypothesis:''' We have a stance on leadership: it works in the open, it is 's facilitative, and its about having your own agency as a big pilot leader and creating spaces for others to develop their agency as well. We think the same learning methods that work for usteaching web literacy will be effective for teaching community leadership. Make it about learning with others, interest-based, and blended online and offline.
In 2015, we==='ll also build out online mentoring on Webmaker, community leardship training, mobile-first offerings, campaigns and ''Integrated with other things that may or may not be connected to the clubs. We just donMozilla mentors networks'''t know yet. ===
In These local groups will be interwoven with other mentors networks, especially the first phaseHive, as a larger community of practice spreading digital & web literacy. Hives can start clubs, clubs will be something mainly co-developed could become Hives. We see these offerings as deeply interrelated. There is also huge opportunities to continuing expanding this work with Mozilla networks like Reps and MDN.  '''Hypothesis:''' The Hive networks have been greatly successful in having local roots with close partners global community. They are lab and classroom for web literacy. Webmaker Super Mentors. While documentation Clubs can find a sweetspot in these ecosystems that brings something new (like particular stance on running a club will be publicly available, we will likely not promote them to the broader web literacy and community until they are tested leadership) while leveraging and more solidintegrating what exists.
==Club Creators==
* '''Online community manager.''' Someone to monitor and engage with club creators and their learners online. This could include managing social media channels, posts in Discourse and mailing lists, and organizing community calls. There is also a lot of storytelling (blog posts, mailing lists) needed.
* '''Learning experience designer.''' Someone to make and package the club activities and the supporting instructions and materials. Should bring across the learning experience effectively and in our pedagogy.
* '''Club coach.''' Someone to work closely 1:1 with the club creators to understand how they are implementing the clubs, where they are getting stuck, how to surface insights and issues. This includes programmtic programmatic knowledge, community organizing and facilitation skills. Also monitor larger community to see if someone is ready to become a club creator.
* '''Partnership builder.''' Someone to see opportunities to expand and further develop this work, through deeper programmatic or financial partnerships. Ability to understand the program design and inform how to adapt it effectively for the right opportunities.
* Project management
* Print & web design
* Frontend web developementdevelopment
=== Q4 2014 (pre-alpha) ===
* Oct 24 -26: Initial club creators conversations at Mozfest. First draft meta arc complete. Pitch doc v1 complete.
* Nov 1 - 15: Planning for 2015 and further program design.
* Nov 15 - 30: Invite club creators to kickoff call. Scaffold process for Q1.
* Dec 310: Kickoff call with club creators. Blog post. Start collecting needs and opportunities. * Dec 10 - 20: 1:1s continue with club creators to seed first tests. Scoping of the pilot.  Deliverables:  * Calendar of club creator cohorts (pilot, beta,  === Q1 2015 (alpha testing) === * Jan 1521: Begin fortnightly Fortnightly call with club creatorsas a group. Review first iteration of activities. Scoping of the pilot.
* Feb 1: Next iteration of activities. Feedback from creators. Seed first tests.
* Mar 1: Activities ready for testing. 5-10 club pilots with our creators.
=== Q2 2015 (beta testing) === * Q2Apr: Unpack learning from first test. Prepare for next iteration.  === Q3 2015 (release candidate) === === Q4 2015 (general availability) === 
Canmove, confirm, emeritus

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