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54 bytes added, 12:34, 18 November 2014
Club Creators: e
Whatever we build, it will be shaped deeply by the needs and ideas of this group. They are our distributed leadership. They bring expertise and experience, and our offering should be in service to them.
* === Hive members===** Scripted - confirmed** Gina- confirmed*Mouse - * [Toronto]** [Chi]** [Chat/KC] Code for America
* === Maker Party partners===** After School Alliance - confirmed** Digital Harbor - confirmed** Steven Flowers, Coder Dojo Manchester- confirmed** Su Adams- confirmed** Jess Weichler Wellington- confirmed** Emma & Kelesy (Innovate the Cape)** NTEN
* === Webmaker Super Mentors===** Chad (NWP)** Emma (Hive Vancouver)** San James/Lawrence (Mozilla Uganda)** Vineel/Raj (Mozilla India)** Faye (Mozilla Philippines)
* === Web Lit Map community (Doug) ** tbd===
* tbd
==Club Content==
Canmove, confirm, emeritus

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