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45 bytes removed, 12:35, 18 November 2014
Club Dependencies: e
* '''Club creators.''' 15+ lead users and partners to join in this endeavor with their time and local community. We are deeply dependent on their availability and interest.
* '''Online community manager.''' Someone to monitor Monitor and engage with club creators and their learners online. This could include managing social media channels, posts in Discourse and mailing lists, and organizing community calls. There is also a lot of storytelling (blog posts, mailing lists) needed. * '''Learning experience designer.''' Someone to make Make and package the club activities and the supporting instructions and materials. Should bring across the learning experience effectively and in our pedagogy. * '''Club coach.''' Someone to work Work closely 1:1 with the club creators to understand how they are implementing the clubs, where they are getting stuck, how to surface insights and issues. This includes programmatic knowledge, community organizing and facilitation skills. Also monitor larger community to see if someone is ready to become a club creator. * '''Partnership builder.''' Someone to see See opportunities to expand and further develop this work, through deeper programmatic or financial partnerships. Ability to understand the program design and inform how to adapt it effectively for the right opportunities.
We may also need:
* Print & web design
* Frontend web development
Canmove, confirm, emeritus

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