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450 bytes added, 02:52, 21 November 2014
CSS3 UI: updated to prioritize CSSWG CSS3-UI issues first, then other related tasks here
Remaining tasks to get CSS3 UI to PR:
* '''resolve issues'''. resolve/apply proposals from issues list:
* '''collect other tasks'''
** Extract CSS3-UI related tasks from "mozilla-next-actions.txt" local text document
** And add to as concrete issues to resolutions and status
* '''text-overflow'''
** create an implementer FAQ on the CSS WG W3C wiki re: text-overflow accordingly*** go through local test documents on work laptop*** go through emails on "text-overflow" with fantasai, mats, roc
* ''':indeterminate''' - add an example using [ HTML5 progress element] and with input type=checkbox with DOM property set to indeterminate deliberately per [ devmo :indeterminate example]
* '''resolve issues'''. resolve/apply proposals from issues list: http://* Move to W3C , collaborate with Tab & fantasai to incorporate into Selectors4
* '''implementation documentation'''. document claims of existing implementationson W3C wiki
** Webkit CSS3 UI -
** Opera CSS3 UI
**** cursor on root element applying to viewport: [ 568450]
***** if/when fixed, add that detail to spec
**** box-sizing prefix drop:**** move icon support: ( to W3C wiki
***** 'icon' property
***** 'content:icon' value
**** box-sizing prefix drop:
**** ...
** IE5/Mac CSS3 UI support - ???
* draft and publish put out a call for at least a minimal coverage test suite tests that covers those claimsper implementer
* document actual implementation results
** reduce feature set down to what's been implemented in more than one browser, or in one browser and imminently expected in another browser. mark at risk anything that is not interop in 2+ browser per above tests.
* publish CSS3-UI CR2 LCCR with minimal test suite and results
* if necessary, write new UI Selectors FPWD editors draft with all new UI selectors (consider limiting to those with at least one implementation, any with less than 2 implementations, mark at risk up front)
Canmove, confirm

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