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Thunderbird:Testing:Antivirus Related Performance Issues

345 bytes added, 06:43, 10 February 2015
F-Prot Antivirus: ADDED SSL/TLS info
== F-Prot Antivirus ==
When TLS and SSL protocols are used, e-mail scanning either cannot scan e-mails or may block them entirely. To solve this issue, reconfigure E-mail scanning to listen to the standard unencrypted port (110) or to any unused port Fprot support article [ here].
Thunderbird 3.0.1 was painfully slow for me on my 2.4 GHz core 2 duo until I took the following steps:
Note that the path to thunderbird's mailbox files varies with each OS, and exception instructions are specific to your virus scanner.
My theory is this: It looks like Thunderbird 3.0.0 and above generates a huge number of file open, seek or read events causing the virus scanner to scan the mailbox files over and over again. This only seems to affect scanners that ignore file extensions and scan all files. This could be proved if someone has some IO monitoring tools and can observe how TB interacts with the mailbox files.
== AVAST ==

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