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ReleaseEngineering/Merge Duty

2,881 bytes added, 14:58, 17 February 2015
no edit summary
= Mergeduty =
Mergeduty is responsible for performing branching + code uplifts, and making sure the automation is ready for those branches and merges. The steps that need to be performed alternate; we're basing this on whether mozilla-central will become an odd or even numbered Gecko version after Merge Day. (See: [ What train is it now?] and [[RapidRelease/Calendar]])
For the specific steps to run, see the following 2 pages:
* [[ReleaseEngineering/Merge Duty/Central will become an odd numbered Gecko version]]
* [[ReleaseEngineering/Merge Duty/Central will become an even numbered Gecko version]]
Note that there are several uplifts involved:
* beta->release * aurora->beta * central->aurora (every other) * <s>aurora->b2gXX_vX_X These may change, especially if we change the cadence to de-emphasize Aurora.</s>
= Next merge days =
<s>* {{bug|1017923}} - Tracking bug for 21-jul-2014 migration work* {{bug|1029851}} - Tracking bug for 01-sep-2014 migration work* {{bug|1061861}} - Tracking bug for 13-oct-2014 migration work
* {{bug|1097666}} - Tracking bug for 28-Nov-2014 migration work
* {{bug|1116781}} - Tracking bug for 12-Jan-2015 migration work</s>
* {{bug|1123367}} - Tracking bug for 23-Feb-2015 migration work
* {{bug|1123369}} - Tracking bug for 06-Apr-2015 migration work
Best practice: the patches are based on gecko_version so they get uplifted automatically.
= Current process =
== Two weeks before ==
* Read these docs. Please do your part to familiarize yourself with what needs doing.
* Communicate with Release Management to determine what features are going to merge from central->aurora, aurora->beta, and which will be pref'ed off.
* Prepare the patch for [[ReleaseEngineering/Merge_Duty/Steps#Bump_the_buildbot-configs_gecko_version_for_mozilla-release|the mozilla-release bump in buildbot-configs]]
* Look at blocking bugs against the merge day bugs, and ask around if there are any patches that need to land with the release migration
* Prepare the other patches for Release Merge Day
== Release Merge Day ==
* [[ReleaseEngineering/Merge_Duty/Steps#Bump_the_buildbot-configs_gecko_version_for_mozilla-release| bump the buildbot-configs release version]]
** And any other patches that needed to land before the migration.
** Reconfig and merge mozharness!
* Wait for a go-to-merge (happens on Monday)
* [[ReleaseEngineering/Merge_Duty/Steps#Perform_mozilla-beta_-.3E_mozilla-release_migration| perform the mozilla-beta -> mozilla-release migration ]]
** The release go-to-build is dependent on the migration.
** this includes the l10n beta->release migrations.
== One week before ==
Release Merge Day + the release build will take up the first portion of this week.
* Prepare the patch for [[ReleaseEngineering/Merge_Duty/Steps#Bump_the_buildbot-configs_gecko_version_for_other_branches| the other desktop train migrations]]
* Look at blocking bugs against the merge day bugs, and ask around if there are any patches that need to land with the other migrations
* Prep the other patches for Merge Day (next section). Merge Day will be Very Busy, so the patches+reviews beforehand will be very important.
* [[ReleaseEngineering/Merge_Duty/Steps#Tag_B2G_Gecko.2BGaia_for_MERGEDAY|run the b2g_tag script with --pull]] to clone the repos ahead of time.
== Merge Day ==
* [[ReleaseEngineering/Merge_Duty/Steps#Bump_the_buildbot-configs_gecko_version_for_other_branches|bump the other buildbot-config gecko versions]]
** And any other patches that needed to land before the migration.
** Reconfig and merge mozharness!
* [[ ReleaseEngineering/Merge_Duty/Steps#Perform_mozilla-aurora_-.3E_mozilla-beta_and_mozilla-central_-.3E_mozilla-aurora_migrations|perform the mozilla-aurora -> mozilla-beta & mozilla-central -> mozilla-aurora migrations]]
** The beta go-to-build is dependent on the migration.
** Axel will most likely be doing the l10n migrations.
* [[ReleaseEngineering/Merge_Duty/Steps#Tag_B2G_Gecko.2BGaia_for_MERGEDAY|Tag B2G Gecko+Gaia for MERGEDAY]]
== Post merge day ==
* Around the Friday of merge week, RelMan will be ask to [[ReleaseEngineering/Merge_Duty/Steps#Unthrottle_Aurora_nightly_updates|Unthrottle Aurora nightly updates]].
== Update this documentation ==
The next person on merge duty will appreciate it!
= Old process =
The following process is not used anymore.
<s>For the specific steps to run, see the following 2 pages:
* [[ReleaseEngineering/Merge Duty/Central will become an odd numbered Gecko version]]
* [[ReleaseEngineering/Merge Duty/Central will become an even numbered Gecko version]]</s>

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