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Release Management

310 bytes added, 23:25, 11 September 2015
edited text for meetings section
= Contribute =
There are many ways to help the release management team . Help with tracked bugs, or hack on the tools our team develops and be part of itmaintains.
Developers and anyone in the community can help by proposing bugs for tracking, using the tracking flags in
The relman team maintains several tools. You can help by fixing bugs!
We host and are a part of number of meetings but you . You can't miss us at Channel Meetings,Postmortemschannel meetings,Release sign-offs where we discuss and try to resolve any release related issues.Anyone working to get a new feature or complicated fix into Firefox may want to join the channel meeting to discuss the process with the entire team of release managers. User advocacy, QE and stability, and release engineering team members also often join the channel meetings.  
* Channel Meeting
**This meeting takes place twice a week on Tuesday at 10 AM PT and Thursday at 10 AM PT in Release Coordination Vidyo Room

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