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Firefox/Activity Stream

2,231 bytes added, 20:56, 4 February 2016
first commit

Activity Stream is a top line initiative but also a Firefox feature. As an umbrella term, anything that let's users interface with their activities in the browser, is Activity Stream the initiative. This includes: Sync and Synced Tabs, history menu, awesome bar, tiles. There's significant effort in improving these interfaces and deepening engagement with these tools for recovery and later, discovery.

As a Product Feature, Activity Stream is a collection of all the things you do in the browser that you care about display in a rich and meaningful way. This will most likely take the form of a timeline-like feed in the new tab page. We plan to display rich content with images from recent pages, screen shots, downloads, closing sessions, notifications, and improve your ''frecency'' results in the awesome bar. Eventually we hope to be the central feed of the things you care about.

===Rich Activity Data===

Rich activity data is a deliverable supporting activity stream. Increasing new and rich user events to activity stream is critical in increasing it's value. There's are key architectural decisions pending.

===Increased timeliness and performance of data syncing===

Implement push in sync is critical to reducing lag and usability in Activity Stream. Dependency here is critical to it's success.


Goal: Determine market fit by releasing in Test Pilot in 2016Q2

In planning - MVP plan Jan 29 (tick)

Need Product Plan WIP Nick Chapman Jan 27
Need complete Planning: Scope/Schedule WIP Nick/Edwin/Tim Feb 3
Architecture decisions on data model, delivery WIP Tim/Olivier March

== Shipping Plan ==

Alpha/Beta release in Test Pilot (formerly Idea Town) 2016Q2 - pending plan - (warning)

=== Product ===
===Product Marketing===

==Team - RACI ==

Product owner: Nick Chapman

Eng Lead: Tim Spurway

Technical Program Manager: Edwin Wong

UX/UR Leads: Bryan Bell, shorelander, dhenein

Product Marketing: TBD

QA: Peter DeHaan, John D.

Exec Sponsor: Mark Mayo


IRC: #activity-stream
Email: -!forum/activity-stream
VidyoRoom: ActivityStream

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