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Firefox/Activity Stream

129 bytes added, 15:15, 18 February 2016
===Rich Activity Data===
Rich activity data is a deliverable supporting activity stream. Increasing new and rich user events to activity stream is critical in increasing it's value. There's are key architectural decisions pending. This is not a dependency for Test Pilot release.
===Increased timeliness and performance of data syncing===
Implement push in sync is critical to reducing lag and usability in Activity Stream. Dependency here is critical to it's success. This is not a dependency for Test Pilot release.
==Goals and Status==
Next Deliverables:
* Desktop Engineering actively in progress. (On Track)
* Ship activity stream as add-on in Test Pilot April 115.
<strike>Need Product Plan WIP Nick Chapman Jan 27</strike>
<strike>Need complete Planning: Scope/Schedule WIP Nick/Edwin/Tim Feb 3</strike>
== Milestones ==
Product Marketing: TBD
QA: Peter DeHaan, John D., Softvision
Exec Sponsor: Mark Mayo

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