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Bug Triage/Projects/Bug Handling

597 bytes added, 23:42, 18 February 2016
First version
During February 2016, we are running a pilot bug classification project with the Hello, DOM, and Developer Tools teams.
In daily triages, bugs are marked with one of the following whiteboard tagsrepresenting a state[[File:Draft bug states.jpg|frameless|center]]
;btpp-fix-now: bug is a critical crash, regression, or security bug which should be worked on immediately. Bugs classified as such should have a developer assigned, a priority of `P1`, and flags set for the affected releases
;btpp-backlog: bug is not critical, and the team has no plans to work on it, but will accept a patch
;btpp-close: bug has been closed. Teams are encouraged to close bugs if they do not plan to undertake the work.
Triage teams will have to follow up on these tags by hand during the pilot, and we expect bugs that are `btpp-fix-now` will be tracked by the team to confirm they are going into releases.
==Next Step==
After the pilot project, we will finalize the decision states for bugs, and ask Mozillians for comment. In the Second Quarter of 2016 we'll work with the [ Bugzilla] developers to make it easy for triagers to mark decisions on bugs, as well as alerting triagers about bugs that need attention.

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