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Firefox/Activity Stream

905 bytes added, 18:12, 19 February 2016
<strike>Need complete Planning: Scope/Schedule WIP Nick/Edwin/Tim Feb 3</strike>
== Recent ==
Activity Stream [status: green]
[landed] We hit our UI Demo milestone! Amazing work team.
* we had over 60+ commits by 7 contributors during this sprint.
* demos has working layout, loading local data, and using embedly proxy to fetch page metadata:
[done]schedule testing with Softvision QA and test plan initiated
[done] Desktop and Mobile teams collaborating and sharing data weekly.
What's Next
Next Milestone: Alpha
* stand up a embedly dev server for team testing
* UX Polish
* Metrics and reporting
* A/B Testing infrastructure
== Milestones ==
! Milestone !! Description !! End Date
| [ +Demo %22 UI Demo] || Front end layout || Feb 12
| [ Alpha ] || Loading local data || Feb 26
| [ Beta ] || Example || Mar 18
| Internal Release 1.0 || Internal Testing || Mar 18
= Team Details =

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