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Firefox/Activity Stream

387 bytes removed, 18:18, 19 February 2016
As a Product Feature, Activity Stream is a collection of all the things you do in the browser that you care about display in a rich and meaningful way. This will most likely take the form of a timeline-like feed in the new tab page. We plan to display rich content with images from recent pages, screen shots, downloads, closing sessions, notifications, and improve your ''frecency'' results in the awesome bar. Eventually we hope to be the central feed of the things you care about.
==Goals and StatusKey Documents==Code: []
GoalTask tracking: Determine market fit by releasing in Test Pilot in 2016Q2[]
Next DeliverablesDesktop MVP: [https: // Product MVP doc] * Desktop Engineering actively in progressUX: [https://mozilla.invisionapp. (On Track)com/share/GA5RW90CW Mocks v1] * Ship Mobile UX ideas: [ -stream as add-on in Test Pilot April 15./]
= Team Details =
== Engineering ==
Task tracking:
== Product ==
[ Product MVP doc]
==Product Marketing==
Desktop: [ Mocks v1]
Mobile: []
Meeting with Rares from Softvision to discuss test plan.
Peter D. actively involved and working on end to end test for Test Pilot.
==Team - RACI ==

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