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Firefox/Activity Stream

81 bytes removed, 17:19, 19 March 2016
Desktop: update
[ Video Demo]
== Recent ==
Activity Stream - [status: green]
* [done] Added ability to remove items from Top Sites, Spotlight, and Top Activity* [done] Connections to the Embedly proxy now use https* [done] Using new frecency based queries for Spotlight and Top Activity* [done] Metrics pings are pinging* [done] Metrics backend in staging* Stream [donestatus: green] Deduped items across Top Sites, Spotlight, and Top Activity
Done* Timeline pagination* [next] Integration test with Test Pilot Showing recent activity rather than top activity on March 15new tab* Places query caching* Fixed Awesome bar input on new tab* Improved icons* Legal: privacy review - GO* Security consultation/review - GO (follow up tasks logged) Next* Legal: privacy notice WIP* Embedly caching* [next] PaginationReduce first render latency* [next] Performance enhancementsImprove first run experience* [next] Better Improve iconsfor popular sites
[[Firefox/Activity_Stream_Updates | Past Updates]]

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