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48 bytes added, 18:20, 22 March 2016
Convert Mozmill tests to Marionette
IRC: #outreachy
===Convert Mozmill tests to Marionette===[No longer taking applications]Mentor: John Dorlus <>, Silne30 on IRC
This project involves reading and writing code in both Python and Javascript. Mozmill is one of Mozilla’s older automated testing frameworks; tests written in Mozmill are being ported to Marionette, which is an implementation of the Webdriver standard, capable of interacting with both web content and browser UI. Applicants should have a strong knowledge of Python and at least some exposure to Javascript. The starting point (and main focus) for this project will be the work outlined in Bug 1132680; there is other work in the same area that can be done if that bug gets finished early.
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