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43 bytes added, 03:04, 28 May 2016
clean up a few things, note summary etc. needs a major update
Working groups and [[standards]] communities (representing Mozilla and open web interests)
* <span class="p-category category">[[Standards#W3C|W3C]]</span>: ** <span class="p-category category">[[Standards#Social_Web_Working_GroupAdvisory_Board|Social Web WGAdvisory Board]]</span> (co-chairelected), ** <span class="p-category category">[[Standards#Advisory_BoardSocial_Web_Working_Group|Advisory BoardSocial Web WG]]</span> (electedco-chair), ** <span class="p-category category">[[Standards#CSS_.28Cascading_Style_Sheets.29_Working_Group|CSS WG]]</span>, ** <span class="p-category category">[[Standards#HTML_Working_GroupWeb_Platform_Working_Group|HTML Web Platform WG]]</span>
* <span class="p-category category">[[Standards#microformats|]]</span> (co-founder, admin)
* <span class="p-category category">[[Standards#WHATWG|WHATWG]]</span>
* <span class="p-category category">[[microformats2]]</span> editor of, including [ microformats2 parsing spec], <span class="p-category category">[[hCard]]</span>, <span class="p-category category">[[hCalendar]]</span>, and other vocabularies.
* <span class="p-category category">[[IndieWebCamp]]</span> specifications for independent web publishing and peer to peer interactions: [ authorship], [ vouch], [ web-sign-in], and contributor to [ webmention]
* <span class="p-category category">[[WebAPI/ContactsAPI|ContactsAPI]]</span> (editor)
* [[CanvasFilters]] (helping get it started, structured)
* Helping out with [ Compatibility] spec ([ github src]).
Additional projects:
* [[Events]]: IndieWebCamp, [ Homebrew Website Club], W3C TPAC and WG [[standards]] meetings; sometimes: dConstruct, OSBridge
* <span class="p-category category">[[WebActions]]</span>
* <span class="p-category category">[[Mozillians]]</span> ([[Mozillians/Phonebook|Phonebook]], [[Mozillians/Events_Manager|Events Manager]])
The rest of this page needs a major update. - [[User:Tantek|Tantek]] ([]) 20:04, 27 May 2016 (PDT)
== Summary of work items ==
'''(Update in progress This section is quite out of date - like a typical wiki pageto be updated!)'''
Summary of work items / general next actions and status:
==== Past Mozilla Projects ====
Past Mozilla-specific projects.
* [[WebAPI/ContactsAPI|ContactsAPI]] (editor)
* Web Literacy related (~2011-2013)
** Thimble HTML+microformats lessons for Webmaker
Canmove, confirm

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