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Firefox/Activity Stream

9 bytes removed, 23:17, 31 May 2016
Recent: asdf
Activity Stream [status: green]
We're Live! May 10, 2016 11:30AM PST Next Milestone - 'AlgonquinBanff' sprint - [Status GREEN]* Renamed code repository and some addon meta data to be consistent 'Landed infinite scrolling'/issues/417* Landed first run 'hang on tight' while data is first loadedIn Review - In-line youtube/vimeo embedding* Created and monitoring re:dash charts to monitor usagageVarious fixes
Next week
* More UI polishAuto complete in search (regression from about: fixing scrollingnewtab)* Delete/Hide/Block/Hide featureImprovement* Improve first run experience* replace about:home with fallback* In-line youtube embedding prototype(stretch goal) Filtering in Timeline
[[Firefox/Activity_Stream_Updates | Past Updates]]

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