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295 bytes added, 22:37, 27 July 2016
Reporting a Web compatibility issue: Add link to webcompat reporter add-on.
'''You can help'''!
Note: We try to avoid working on fixing Web sites which are working badly everywhere. We focus first our energy on Web sites which are broken in one browser and not others. Issues caused by add-ons or ad blockers are also not considered web compatibility issues.
=== Requirements ===
A good bug report includes steps to reproduce an issue, and what the expected outcome was. The more details you give, the better chance the issue will be properly addressed. If, for example, one must log in to see the issue, it is important to say so. Screenshots can also be very helpful!
# Create a [ new bug on](if you have the [ webcompat reporter add-on] installed, just click on the icon to open this for you with some of the info pre-filled).
## Include the URL'''
## Include the steps to perform to see the problem after opening that URL

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