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638 bytes added, 17:00, 8 September 2016
I'm Lan Glad, a member of the Mozilla Slovenia team. I'm the Locale Leader for SL on SUMO and occasionally help localize other projects (AMO, to Slovenian language.
In summer 2013, I was looking up for some Firefox help on SUMO [ Mozilla Support], spotted some typos in help articles translations and signed up just only to correct some typos in help articlesthem. Then I learnt more about Mozilla and its mission(and, of course, joined the Mozilla Slovenia team that I can translate stuff as well) and started localizing stuffbecame a localizer.
Now I'm A year later, after the SL then Locale Leader on SUMO and I occasionally help localize other projects (Mozilla[ Vito] left Mozilla, AMO I got that role...) to Slovenian languageThat was also when I joined the general Mozilla Slovenia team and met the rest of the members.
*[ My Mozillians profile]
*[ My SUMO profile]
===== Wait a minute, I've heard about Marko Glad. Who is Marko then's that? =====When I was invited to join the mailing list and asked for my real name for the first time, I remembered all that "Internet safetyadvice ("Do not give your information to strangers!" advice ) and introduced myself as Marko Glad. I instantly regretted it when When I met the other members , I instantly regretted it but didn't know how to explain... so I was known as Marko till March 2016, when I met the team in person and told them. :)

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