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313 bytes added, 21:30, 29 September 2016
Make WebExtension Development More Awesome: added links to github issues
The participant would improve the productivity of WebExtension developers in the following ways. Most of these tasks involve changing the [ web-ext] command line tool but others may involve writing documentation or example code.
* Utilize common web developer tools when building extensions.** Craft examples that show how to use [ ES6 imports] and other features that typically require code transpilation with [ babel] or [ rollup]. [ More info].* Automatically keep the web-ext tool up to date to avoid bugs.** Alert the developer if their version of web-ext is out of date. [ More info].
* Offer extension “linting” in code editors
** Integrate web-ext's existing [ lint checking feature] into popular editors such as [ Atom], [ Vim], and [ Emacs]. [ More info].
* Add a new web-ext command that lays out a directory structure for an extension
** This command would automatically generate a manifest.json file and other common files to help the developer get started on a new extension. [ More info].
* Build a mock WebExtension API for use in automated tests
** Invent a JavaScript library that developers can use to execute tests for their extension without having to launch a web browser. [ More info].
Contributing to WebExtensions is a great opportunity to empower those who are extending the web!

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