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698 bytes removed, 23:34, 16 November 2016
Add support for OpenAPI to Kinto
* Write a mechanism to generate an OpenAPI specification from the Kinto source code. This would require writing Python code that hooks into the server code to identify APIs.
* Investigate the use of the OpenAPI specification to do fuzz-testing against the Kinto server. This would require an investigation of fuzzing tools and learning how to use them in a customized way.
Interns should understand back-end REST services and be skilled in reading and writing Python. You should be able to use Git and run Python code.
You can learn more about Kinto at [ the Kinto Readthedocs page] and [ its Github page].
If you need a "small contribution" for your application, some suggestions are at [ Kinto easy-pick bugs] and [ easy-pick bugs].
You can find us in #kinto on Freenode or on Slack at .
==== Azure Blob Storage client library ====

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