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932 bytes removed, 01:45, 17 November 2016
Collaboration Tools for Open Source Participation and Productivity: removed project
* Make the repository enrollment process "self-serve". Currently, if a team wants to use Taskcluster-Github, they must ask a person on the Taskcluster team to set that up for them. That can be slow and discourages experimentation. With this project completed, users can set up a new repository with a few clicks. <br />
* Add "build shields", similar to that will show the latest status of a Taskcluster-Github build or test run.
==== Collaboration Tools for Open Source Participation and Productivity ====
Mentor: [ Don Marti]
We are interested in pushing the limits of what automation can do to help de-stress open source projects, especially low-profile ones that put a lot of work onto an individual maintainer or small team. Interested in writing bots to help maintainers with the routine tasks of software development, bots that can help coach new contributors to get productive, or both? If you have an idea for a collaborative tool that would help you, and you're interested in coding it and seeing if it can help others, please consider joining us. Helpful skills to have
* HTTP client development
* Use of web APIs (GitHub, Twitter...)
* git
* Empathy for new and time-crunched developers
None of these are hard requirements -- We're prepared to collaborate with you and your bot(s) to learn and gather data.
==== Help drive the Nightly Reboot on Firefox Desktop/Mobile ====

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