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3,024 bytes added, 23:15, 8 January 2017
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In sum, the main difference between Bugzilla and BMO is that the former is the name of the general-purpose software, and the latter Mozilla's site-specific installation. An analogue is [ MediaWiki] versus [ Wikipedia].
=Creating a Bugzilla Account=
To fully use all of the features of and most importantly, to file a new bug you will need to create an account. Currently there are two ways to do this.
==Create a Local Account==
From the homepage, click "new account," which will let you create an account directly. You will need a valid email address. An email will be sent that will provide a special link you can follow to finish the account creation process. You will be able to enter your own private password.
==Log in With GitHub==
If you have a GitHub account you can use it to log in and create an account.
* First click "Log in".
* Then click the Octocat/GitHub logo.
* If you are signed into GitHub you'll be asked if you want GitHub to login to on your behalf and what information about your account will be shared from GitHub with us.
* If you aren't signed in, GitHub will ask you to login, then if you want to be asked if you want GitHub to be able to login on your behalf.
* You'll be identified by the email address you use on GitHub.
'''Note:''' If you have previously created a local account as described in the first method above, and then decide to use GitHub to login later, just make sure the email address you have registered in GitHub matches the email address used to create the local account. Otherwise, a separate account will be created which is likely not what you want.
= Searching =
[ Product Dashboard] has many ways to look at data about bugs associated with particular products and components. The reports are listed in tabs: Summary, Recents, Components/Versions, Duplicates, Roadmap, and Popularity. They're all worth exploring.
=Permissions and Groups=
If you would like to be able to change the status of bugs from UNCONFIRMED to NEW, you will need the canconfirm permission. It also allows you to file a bug as NEW rather than as UNCONFIRMED, which is the default for bugs filed by new users to
The editbugs permission gives you the ability to edit most fields of a bug. It's very useful for adding good information to a bug, and for making summaries more clear and descriptive.
==How to apply for upgraded permissions==
If you want '''canconfirm''', you can add it yourself using [ triage request form].
If you want '''editbugs''', email either:
* The URLs of two bugs to which you have attached patches or testcases.
* The URLs of the relevant comment on three bugs which you wanted to change, but couldn't, and so added a comment instead.
'''Note:''' '''editbugs''' implies '''canconfirm''' there's no need to apply for both.
Don't forget to include your ID if it's not the email address you are emailing from.
There are many other groups, some team-specific, some for security reasons, and some that are for corporate confidential bugs or comments. By default, everyone is in the BMO group '''everyone'''. Your permissions affect which shared searches you can see. When you create a saved search of your own, you can choose to share it with any group that are in.
You can see your current [ groups and permissions].

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