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12,335 bytes added, 06:04, 28 February 2017
adding round 14 participants
{{Admon/importantnote|Attention Round 14 Applicants:|Mentors Projects are now open and taking submissions. Check out the projects are currently being selected for Round 14 of Outreachybelow and contact the project mentor, if interested in making a contribution. We will update this page shortlyThe application period closes March 30. Please check back soonVisit [https://wiki.gnome. (02org/Outreachy/132017/17)MayAugust#Participating_Organizations The GNOME wiki] for more program information.}}<br />
Mozilla has participated in the Outreachy program for several years. The goals of the program are to increase participation from under-represented groups in free and open source software. Participation is open:
* [[GNOME OPW Handbook]]
* [ Information for mentors, from Linux Kernel project]
==Outreachy Program Cohort: Round 14 (May 30 -Aug 30, 2017)==
====Page Shot / Screenshotting in Firefox====
'''Mentor:''' [ Ian Bicking] <br />
'''IRC:''' ianbicking
'''Project Description:'''
Page Shot, a screenshot tool for Firefox, will be shipping with Firefox mid-June. Our small team's focus during the time of the internship will be running A/B tests on the product and refining the experience based on what we learn.
There's several areas where an intern could be impactful to the project:
(a) We are collecting behavioral data on how people use the tool, and plan to make changes through the summer based on what we learn. Someone with skills and interest in analyzing this kind of data (in our case Google Analytics and survey data) would be great.
(b) If the intern could be contributing to development directly, the tool is written in fairly straight-forward Javascript, and a knowledge of HTML/CSS is of course always useful.
(c) Our basic experience will be in place, but there will be many opportunities for optimizing the performance and size of the screenshots that we're delivering. This may include offline access. In addition to development skills this will require research and experimentation to plan out the best approach.
====HTML+CSS demos of our new browser engine====
'''Mentor:'''[ Lin Clark] <br />
'''IRC:''' linclark
'''Project Description:'''
At Mozilla, we're making our browser faster. This started as a research effort, building a next generation browser engine called Servo. Now parts of Servo are being merged into Firefox with Project Quantum.
The numbers are promising. For example, the new CSS style system (Stylo) can reduce the time it takes to render a page (like Barack Obama's wikipedia page) from 130ms to 30ms.
We want to show this off. In this internship, you'd be making demos that catch people's attention and show off these performance improvements.
For this internship, you will need HTML and CSS skills. We would love to see demos or prototypes you have created in the past that delight and surprise. An understanding of web page performance and how to analyze performance in the browser is preferred but not required.
====Security audit of Firefox code====
'''Mentor:''' [ Stéphanie Ouillon] <br />
'''IRC:''' arroway
'''Project Description:'''
The Security Engineering team works on building and ensuring security into Firefox. Part of this work involves conducting security audits of the code shipped in Firefox. The candidate should be comfortable reading C++ and JavaScript Firefox code, and have an interest in learning about security engineering.
The scope of this project includes two main areas we're putting focus on:
1) Security auditing of third-party libraries used in Firefox
Firefox relies on a vast amount of third-party Open Source libraries. Code review and security practices vary from one library to another, or new releases with security fixes might go unnoticed. We want to reduce the risk of including unsafe code in Firefox and auditing more thoroughly the most critical libraries we use.
Tasks include:
* Identifying libraries with security concerns
* Identifying code paths for additional fuzzing
* Documenting the current process for using a new third-party library in mozilla-central
* Setting security metrics (e.g number of security bugs related to the lib) to measure risk associated with a certain lib
2) Sandbox auditing
Firefox is getting a security sandbox ( Hardening Firefox against attacks involves:
* Checking IPC mechanisms are safe
* Fuzzing IPC for bugs
* Reviewing Firefox components with respect to sandbox controls
====Implement Telemetry health ping====
'''Mentor:''' [ Georg Fritzsche] <br />
'''IRC:''' gfritzsche
'''Project Description'''
Firefox Telemetry enables engineers and decision-makers to measure how Firefox behaves in the real world. As you use Firefox, Telemetry measures and collects non-personal information, such as performance, hardware, usage and customizations.
To more reliably monitor the quality of our incoming data and error conditions, we want to implement a small & minimal Telemetry health ping. This will be small enough to be sent without bandwidth concerns and include essential information about failures.
This will involve JavaScript for client-side work and some Python skills for data analysis, to process and validate the incoming data.
====Improve cross-browser and functional testing for
'''Mentor:''' [ Mike Taylor] <br />
'''IRC:''' miketaylr
'''Project Description:''' is an open source project and website with the ambitious goal of making the web work for all users, in any browser. We want to improve our functional and cross-browser testing capabilities.
In this project, the Outreachy participant will work on the following:
* Define a cross-browser testing matrix
* Get functional tests running in non-Firefox browsers
* Implement BrowserStack - Travis CI Integration
* Create a working sub-set of tests for external contributors without access to authentication secrets.
* Improve existing functional testing coverage
To be successful, the participant will need to be comfortable writing JavaScript and configuring 3rd party testing services. Some Python and Node.js experience will prove useful, but is not required.
====Site permission management UI====
'''Mentor:''' [ Johann Hofmann] <br />
'''IRC:''' johannh
'''Project Description:'''
"We would like to add a section to Firefox preferences that allows users to manage their saved site permissions (Geolocation, Camera, Microphone, ...). Our UX team is currently designing a nice-looking UI for this. Features include viewing and removing permissions and globally disabling access to a certain permission for all sites. Your task would be to implement this UI inside the Firefox preferences using JavaScript, HTML and CSS.
You might enjoy this project if you like working on user interfaces, care about privacy and security and want to have a sizeable impact on the privacy and security of millions of Firefox users.
====CSS Layout Bug Squasher====
'''Mentor:''' [ Josh Matthews] <br />
'''IRC:''' jdm
'''Project Description:'''
Servo is a new, experimental web browser engine written in the Rust programming language ( It also has lots of bugs in its implementation of CSS layout. Some of these bugs are filed in the issue tracker with minimized test cases (, while others have not been investigated yet ( We’re looking for someone who is:
- comfortable writing code in any programming language
- experienced in reading and understanding the effects of CSS
We want to teach you how to write Rust code so you can channel that experience into squashing CSS layout implementation bugs in Servo. You will gain experience in:
- reducing problems into minimal test cases
- developing in a low-level programming language
- using debugging strategies to determine the cause of problems in complex code
- contributing to a large open-source project as part of a distributed team
To get involved:
- clone and build the code (
- find an issue that looks interesting (
- leave a comment stating that you're working on it, and ask any questions necessary to make progress
- introduce yourself on IRC ( in #servo) or on the mailing list (!forum/
====Automate web accessibility testing====
'''Mentor:''' [ Matt Brandt] <br />
'''IRC:''' mbrandt
'''Project Description:'''
The internship entails researching how to test for web accessibility standards and then the application of that knowledge by reviewing several open source automated testing frameworks. Once they have chosen the framework that best suits our needs, that minimizes false positives, they will be responsible for codifying a suite of tests that are able to run within our Jenkins CI.
The project requires the intern to spend a short amount of time reading about web accessibility testing to help them gain domain knowledge. Prior experience with Javascript and Python is helpful but not required. Experience with an object oriented programing language is required, but can be gained by taking one of the many freely available online courses. An interest and aptitude in software engineering is encouraged.
As the intern pieces together a solution and implements the tests, they’ll help cleanup and update documentation. A willingness to reach out to members of the Firefox Test Engineering team as well as the Accessibility team for clarification will help round out the internship experience.
====Rust: Web Assembly showcase====
'''Mentor:''' [ Brian Anderson]
'''IRC:''' brson
'''Project Description:'''
[ Rust] is a new systems programming language that is fast and memory
safe. It is growing quickly, is pleasant to contribute to, and is in
need of contributions in many areas!
In this project you will be developing a showcase application to
demonstrate Rust compiled to [ WebAssembly], a new bytecode that runs
in the web browser. With WebAssembly, authors can write software that
runs on the web with near-native performance. It will unlock new
capabilities for the web, and Rust, with it's focus on low-level
performance, is one of the best-positioned languages to take advantage of WebAssembly.
This is a self-contained project where creativity and persistence will
lead to success. Design and implement a client-side web application,
written in Rust, that demonstrates the promise of running Rust
software on the web, by compiling to WebAssembly. Publish and blog
about the result.
This serves two important purposes: firstly, as a teaching tool, the
project demonstrates two bleeding-edge technologies used successfully
together. You will be at the forefront of this technology and people
will be looking to your early experience as they try it themselves.
Second, by writing a real application we will discover new bugs and
other problems with the stack. You will report these bugs to their
upstream projects, and even fix them yourself. This process of
validating our products by actually using them is called "dogfooding",
and it's an important part of product development.
At the end of this project you will have your own Rust-language web
application, will have new experience with Rust, WebAssembly,
JavaScript, and with collaboration in an active and friendly open
source community.
The project will run in 3 phases: in the first weeks you will
familiarize yourself with the tools: Rust, WebAssembly, emscripten,
and their development environment in and out of the web
browser. You'll work with your coach to identify a few key features
that the project will demonstrate and plan how to create them. The
second phase is where you will do planned implementation work.
Finally, with a few weeks left to spare, we will evaluate our
progress, decide how to present it most effectively, and then spend
the remaining time polishing and documenting it for release.
Good candidates will have moderate programming experience, either in
JavaScript or in a systems language like C, C++ or Rust. This work
will involve investigating and even debugging new compiler and web
browser features - much time will probably be spent examining the Rust
compiler's WebAssembly output and comparing it to expectations.
Interns will not be expected to fix bugs the Rust compiler itself on
their own, though they are certainly welcome to - their task is to
write an interesting web applications.
==Outreachy Program Cohort: Round 13 (Dec 2016-March 2017)==

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