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9 bytes added, 19:35, 6 March 2017
Page Shot / Screenshotting in Firefox: typo
[ Page Shot], a screenshot tool for Firefox, will be shipping with Firefox mid-June. Our small team's focus during the time of the internship will be running A/B tests on the product and refining the experience based on what we learn.
There's several areas of that can be impactful to the project:
* We are collecting behavioral data on how people use the tool, and plan to make changes through the summer based on what we learn. Someone with skills and interest in analyzing this kind of data (in our case Google Analytics and survey data) would be great. Some of what we want to learn from the data may require data analysis outside of Google Analytics.
* We have many product goals. Page Shot is built as a WebExtension using pretty straight-forward JavaScript. The server is built with Node.js and React. Someone with knowledge of JavaScript together with HTML/CSS can get in and make positive changes quickly.

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