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Sheriffing/How To/Retrigger Jobs

280 bytes removed, 12:13, 14 June 2017
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Restarts Retrigger of Builds/Tests
Sometimes Builds/Tests need to restart. There is a automated way for some condiditons, see below - and there is a manual way
= The Manual Way =
Sometimes we need to restart a Build /tests like for Bad Revisions etc, same for tests when we want to check out if a failure is intermittent. To complete this Task you need to select a test result in tbpl treeherder and click on it. You will see a box in the left bottom corner with information like the Testname Name: (as example Windows XP 32-bit fx-team opt test mochitest-5).
To retrigger a job/test click on the cross circle beside the Testname in that box and the test will be retriggered = The Automated way = Sometimes . Same also if you might see just press "bluer" results when you are logged-in TBPL. The blue means buildbot decided to restart them itself based on some rules.You can see this rules There are also possibly other places where we set the status of "RETRY", but that's the main regexp file

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