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127 bytes removed, 15:59, 10 January 2018
some cleanup
== Meet the Sheriffs ==
The owners & peers of the Tree Sheriffs module can be found on the [[Modules/Activities#Tree_Sheriffs|module page]], however for day-to-day sheriffduty coverage, look for the following people in #developers and #sheriffs. The on-duty sheriff sheriffs will typically have "|sheriffduty" appended to their IRC nick.* UTC+2: 15 sheriffs from SoftVision in Romania on a rotating schedule
* UTC+1: Sebastian Hengst [:Aryx] (staff/community)
* UTC-8: Phil Ringnalda [:philor] (community)
For more info on what's happening at the moment, see the current activity log: [ Activity Log] We're always looking for more people to join the community team and help out - just drop us a messagein the #sheriffs IRC channel or at the [ sheriffs mailing list]!
= Links =
== For Sheriffs ==
* [[Sheriffing/How To/Getting_started_as_a_sheriff|How to get started as a sheriff]]
* [ Activity Logs]: Notes for sheriffs handover/current issues
* [ Uplift simulation reference]: a list of all beta uplift simulations performed and associated bugs filed
* [[:Category:Sheriffing_How_To|How-to guides]]
* [[Sheriffing/How To/Treeherder|Treeherder]]: how to interpret Treeherder data. Also explains how to [[Sheriffing/How_To/Treeherder#Classifying.2FStarring_jobs|star failures]].
** [[Sheriffing/Test_Disabling_Policy|Test Disabling Policy]]
* [[Sheriffing/Deciding To Close A Tree|Deciding To Close A Tree]]
* [ Uplift simulation reference]: a list of all beta uplift simulations performed and associated bugs filed

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