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4,643 bytes removed, 00:38, 2 June 2018
Bugs: Moved bugs to
== Bugs ==
=== Klar Blockers === P1 GeckoView bugs: <bugzilla>{ "f2": "assigned_to", "o2": "notequals", "v2": "", "priority": "P1", "component": "GeckoView", "resolution": "---", "include_fields": "id, priority, summary, whiteboard, assigned_to", "order": "priority,id"}</bugzilla> [geckoview:klar:p1] non-GeckoView bugs: <bugzilla>{ "f2": "assigned_to", "o2": "notequals", "v2": "", "f1": "component", "o1": "notequals", "v1": "GeckoView", "status_whiteboard": "[geckoview:klar:p1]", "resolution": "---", "include_fields": "id, priority, summary, whiteboard, assigned_to", "order": "priority,id"}<Mobile/bugzilla> === Klar Blockers: Unassigned === Unassigned P1 GeckoView bugs: <bugzilla>{ "assigned_to": "", "priority": "P1", "f2": "keywords", "o2": "notsubstring", "v2": "meta", "component": "GeckoView", "resolution": "---", "include_fields": "id, priority, summary, whiteboard, assigned_to", "order": "priority,id"}</bugzilla> Unassigned [geckoview:klar:p1] non-GeckoView bugs: <bugzilla>{ "assigned_to": "", "f1": "component", "o1": "notequals", "v1": "GeckoView", "status_whiteboard": "[geckoview:klar:p1]", "resolution": "---", "include_fields": "id, priority, summary, whiteboard, assigned_to", "order": "priority,id"}</bugzilla> === GeckoView Triage Bugs === Unprioritized |GeckoView bugs: <bugzilla>{ "priority": ["--","P4"], "f1": "keywords", "o1": "notsubstring", "v1": "meta", "component": "GeckoView", "resolution": "---", "include_fields": "id, priority, summary, whiteboard, assigned_to", "order": "priority,id"}</bugzilla> Unprioritized [geckoview:klar🐛] non-GeckoView bugs: <bugzilla>{ "f1": "component", "o1": "notequals", "v1": "GeckoView", "status_whiteboard": "[geckoview:klar]", "resolution": "---", "include_fields": "id, priority, summary, whiteboard, assigned_to", "order": "priority,id"}</bugzilla> === Klar Backlog === P2 GeckoView bugs: <bugzilla>{ "priority": "P2", "component": "GeckoView", "resolution": "---", "include_fields": "id, priority, summary, whiteboard, assigned_to", "order": "priority,id"}</bugzilla> [geckoview:klar:p2] non-GeckoView bugs: <bugzilla>{ "f1": "component", "o1": "notequals", "v1": "GeckoView", "status_whiteboard": "[geckoview:klar:p2]", "resolution": "---", "include_fields": "id, priority, summary, whiteboard, assigned_to", "order": "priority,id"}</bugzilla> === Firefox Reality Bugs === * All [geckoview:fxr] and [geckoview:crow] bugs: <bugzilla>{ "f1": "status_whiteboard", "o1": "anywordssubstr", "v1": "[geckoview:crow,[geckoview:fxr", "resolution": "---", "include_fields": "id, priority, summary, whiteboard, assigned_to", "order": "priority,id"}</bugzilla> === Other Bug Queries === * [ Unprioritized GeckoView bugs]* [ P1 GeckoView bugs]* [ P2-P5 GeckoView bugs]* [ Klar's "Klar v7.0" GitHub issues]* [ Klar's "Klar+GeckoView" GitHub issues]* [ geckoview:klar fixed bugs]* [ geckoview:klar open bugs]* [ Recently fixed Klar blockers]

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