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1,264 bytes added, 09:34, 18 November 2019
โ†’โ€ŽLater Events and Available Tickets
Our DevRel Sponsorship team sometimes receives complimentary tickets to share with Mozillians interested in attending the following events. Please fill out this form [ Ticket RequestForm ].
If you have questions, reach out to the DevSponsorship Team at for more details.
'''[ Halfstack]''' London | 2019-11-22
'''[ Web Audio Conference 2019]''' Trondheim, Norway | 2019-12-04 to 2019-12-06
'''[ Halfstack]''' Phoenix, AZ | 2020-01-17
''' Mozilla Sponsored Developer Events'''
Current list of Mozilla sponsored developer events (with their start dates) around the globe (DevRel Events team will update):
BoyaConf | 11/09/19 | Duitama, Boyacรก, Colombia
Accessibility Club Summit 2019 | 11/16-17/19 | Berlin
Performance now |11/21-22/19 | Amsterdam, The Netherlands
[ ๐Ÿป IndieWebCamp Berlin2] | 11/23/19 - 11/24/19 | Berlin, GERMANY
Halfstack | 11/22/19| London
webclerks community conference | 11/25/19 | Vienna
Open UP Summit | 11/30-12/1 2019 | Taipei
Web Audio Conference 2019 | 12/4/19 | Trondheim, Norway
[ ๐ŸŒ IndieWebCamp San Francisco] | 12/7/19 - 12/8/19 | [[MozSF]], San Francisco
Halfstack | 01/17/20 | Phoenix
PyCascades 2020 | 89/2/20 | Portland
You Got This 2020 | 01/18/20 | Birmingham, UK
[ ๐ŸŒฎ IndieWebCamp Austin 2020] | 02/22/20 - 02/23/20 | Austin, Texas, USA
PerfMatters Conference 2020 | 03/31/20 - 04/02/20 | Redwood City, CA USA
JS Kongress Munich | 04/15-16/20 | Munich, Germany
[ โ›ฐ IndieWeb Summit 2020] | 06/27/20 - 06/28/20 | Portland, Oregon, USA
== Speakers ==

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