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My Problem Cannot be Caused by Antivirus: add missing }} on warning
My Antivirus software has been working great. Thunderbird is the only program that is affected. I even tried disabling my antivirus software.
{{Warning|Your antivirus software probably worked great for months or years, across many previous versions of Thunderbird. But this is NO guarantee it is working correctly now. Antivirus and Thunderbird have a complex relationship, and that relationship can be broken by updates or version changes of <u>either</u> software. Yes even if Thunderbird is the only software affected, even if your AV version did not change. AV vendors don't always play nice, and don't always adapt their software to new versions of other software on your computer, whether you know it or not they do make accommodations under the hood for how they interact with other software. In short, if TB performance is good when AV software has been disabled, doesn't make this fundamentally a bug in Thunderbird, although there are certainly areas of Thunderbird performance that can be improved.}}
= First Steps =
Canmove, confirm

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