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I am currently the Thunderbird Community Manager, and invite you to get involved in the great Thunderbird community.

Also Thunderbird Release Manager and mailing/discussion list management, bug triage and QA, especially crash, dataloss, stability, search and performance issues. I use all release channels: release, beta and daily (development builds). Bugzilla fan. Frequently seen helping users in Thunderbird Support, Connect, and reddit. Accessibility advocate. Volunteer since 2001-2022. Founding member of Thunderbird Council 2014-2020.

Where you can find me

What I do

As Community Manager I facilitate, promote and provide productive discussion forums, activities, and resources that enable the community to work together toward a more awesome Thunderbird.

More generally, I help developers and users mostly in stability and performance issues, by doing testing and QA and bug triage. These and other activities are :

My bug reports Past year
