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Changing Accounts: simplify
=== Changing Accounts ===
While you You can change your "display name" in Matrix, . But because of low-level design decisions in the Matrix protocol, accounts cannot be renamed nor can accounts names be re-used, and deactivating them an account is permanent. For most Matrix users this is not an issue, but accounts tied to SSO such as Mozilla's cannot be reassigned to new owners. Changing the address associated with an SSO-bound Matrix account cannot be done, so you'll need to create a new account for yourself and deactivate the old one if that's what intend.
In order Also, accounts tied to SSO such as Mozilla's SSO cannot be reassigned to new owners. To accomplish such a change:# create a new account for yourself# to maintain continuity in conversations, you will need to export your encryption keys from the old account and import them into the new account and then (where relevant) using your old account invite your new account into conversations you'd like to continue, using your old account. The options to do this are under your (see account settings, in Security And Privacy, under Cryptography near the bottom of that window.)# deactivate the old account
== Connect to Matrix ==
Canmove, confirm

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