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3,234 bytes added, 03:55, 25 March 2023
Web We Want lead, AB, drop old store links, https, Internet Archive links for dead sites, a few opportunistic archive additions
* [[Standards]] Mozilla point of contact:
** [[W3C]] Advisory Committee (AC)
** [ Web We Want] lead
** [[WHATWG]] Steering Group (SG)
* [[Standards]] projects/groups
** [ W3C Advisory Board (AB)]*** [ W3C Vision]([ issues]), ** [[CSS]] WG, OpenUI, Process CG
* [ IndieWeb community for independent websites]
== To be updated ==
'''The rest of this page needs a major update.''' - [[User:Tantek|Tantek]] ([http]) 15:53, 3 July 2017 (PDT)
Previously from [[Tantek]]:
=== APNG adoption ===
See: [[APNG]]
== gift suggestions ==
Here are some nice Mozilla / Firefox related gifts from the Mozilla store.
* [ Mozilla Firefox Umbrella] - especially for friends in rainy areas like the Pacific Northwest
* [ Firefox plushie red panda doll] - perhaps for kids
== Critical areas of focus ==
* '''<span class="p-category category">[[IndieWebCamp|IndieWeb]]</span>''' - the independent web, providing user-centered freedom, ownership, and control over and above silos and their <abbr title="terms of service">TOSes</abbr>es.
* '''<span class="p-category category">[[Microformats]]</span>''' - open standards for marking up information in HTML, simpler, easier, more maintainable, and higher quality than alternatives (RDFa, microdata), and sidefile efforts (XML, RDF). See also <span class="p-category category">[[HTML5]]</span> and Tantek's [http book on getting started with HTML5].
** '''[[microformats2-parsing]]''' in particular landing support in Firefox Toolkit/Platform for Share, Social Bookmarking, Context Menu, Shopping
* <span class="p-category category">[[Tantek-Mozilla-Projects#CSS3_UI|CSS3-UI]]</span> (editor, and contributing to <span class="p-category category">[[CSS3]]</span> in general)
* <span class="p-category category">[[#HTML5|HTML5]]</span> (contributing)
* <span class="p-category category">[[microformats2]]</span> editor of, including [http microformats2 parsing spec], <span class="p-category category">[[hCard]]</span>, <span class="p-category category">[[hCalendar]]</span>, and other vocabularies.* <span class="p-category category">[[IndieWebCamp]]</span> specifications for independent web publishing and peer to peer interactions: [httphttps://indiewebcampindieweb.comorg/authorship authorship], [httphttps://indiewebcampindieweb.comorg/vouch vouch], [httphttps://indiewebcampindieweb.comorg/web-sign-in web-sign-in], and contributor to [httphttps://indiewebcampindieweb.comorg/webmention webmention]
* Helping out with [ Compatibility] spec ([ github src]).
Additional projects:
* [[Events]]: IndieWebCamp, [httphttps://indiewebcampindieweb.comorg/Homebrew_Website_Club Homebrew Website Club], W3C TPAC and WG [[standards]] meetings
* <span class="p-category category">[[WebActions]]</span>
* <span class="p-category category">[[Mozillians]]</span> ([[Mozillians/Phonebook|Phonebook]], [[Mozillians/Events_Manager|Events Manager]])
The rest of this page needs a major update. - [[User:Tantek|Tantek]] ([http]) 20:04, 27 May 2016 (PDT)
* [[Standards]] groups/community participation
*** [http Restyle W3C: Towards a More Usable Spec Template]
** IETF: VCARDDAV (vCard4)
** Community: IndieWeb, microformats, OWF, WHATWG, Portable Contacts, OpenID, OAuth(2)/xAuth, RelMeAuth, Activity Streams
Needs review (the following projects need review to determine updated next steps and reprioritize)
* CSSWG charter: http
* [[Tantek-Mozilla-projects#CSS_Style_Attributes|CSS Style Attributes]]: Achieved CR. Next action: test suite to help exit CR.
* [[Tantek-Mozilla-projects#CSS3_Color|CSS3 Color]]: Achieved REC, gathering editorial issues for 2nd edition.
Inbox (add stuff here) :
* Review http
* ... add more suggestions here
As a foundational technology, everything else (microformats, CSS3, WebApps, etc.) depend on getting [[HTML5]] right, and fixing problems in the <span id="HTML5_spec_improvements">HTML5 spec</span>.
* <code>&lt;time&gt;</code> element - from [http W3C wiki: time element issues]. Just need to keep a watch on these issues in the HTMLWG telcons, [http list], [ irc] and make sure the proposals are accepted (if not already), spec changes made (if not already), and issues closed accordingly.** [http Issue 183]: [http &lt;time&gt; element change proposal] (developed on wikimo: [[HTML5/time#expand_time|HTML5/time]])*** [http incorporated in spec], awaiting issue closure.** [http Issue 184]: [http &lt;data&gt; element change proposal]*** [http incorporated in WHATWG spec], awaiting inclusion in W3C HTML5 spec, issue closure.** [http Issue 185]: [http drop pubdate attribute change proposal]*** [http incorporated in spec] (absence of pubdate), awaiting issue closure.
=== needs re-consideration ===
The goal in this second scenario is to enable building rich native-app-like user interfaces where the path of least resistance to building it uses building blocks that in themselves enable accessibility. I think this is both possible, and is a necessary course of action to avoid having to do "bolt-on" accessibility later.
Note that providing facilities for (re)building native-app-like UIs is just one part of what such rich web-apps need to compete with native apps. See for more on hardware access etc.
For now, the sections below focus on addressing/solving the first cluster of use cases first.
This is a big design challenge. Take a look at what Opera has done for example (in terms of challenges). Here is a simple test page which shows default renderings - compare in various browsers and try interacting with the new widgets especially in Opera:
See [[HTML5/input]] for more &lt;input&gt; element tests.
* ability to select specific "pieces" of any compound/composite form control for styling
** feeds into requirements for CSS pseudo-elements
** consider existing [http CSS3-UI pseudo-elements]
*** ::value can be used for selecting/styling placeholder text (see [ bug 457801 comment 25])
*** ::choices can theoretically be used to style the popped-up state of a <code>&lt;select&gt;</code> pop-up menu. No known implementations.
** consider additional pseudo-elements based on web designer requests for stylability of form controls
*** <code>[[HTML5/select|&lt;select&gt;]]</code>
**** [http color and appearance of drop down arrow]
*** <code>[[HTML5/input#type_search|&lt;input type=search&gt;]]</code>
**** see examples from Jonas Sicking
* ability to select specific "states" of any form control (may require ability to select states of specific pieces as well - that will be a challenge though as pseudo-elements themselves cannot have pseudo-classes in CSS)
** existing [http Selectors UI pseudo-classes], and some notes on [http how HTML5 DOM property states trigger these pseudo-classes]
*** :hover :active - based on mouse/pointer interactions. the challenge here is to find alternatives for touch based interfaces.
*** :focus - an element which is currently accepting keyboard, pointer, or other input device events.
*** :checked - based on the "checked" property on input types "radio" and "checkbox", and also on the "selected" property on option element.
*** :indeterminate - based on the "indeterminate" property of the input types "radio" and "checkbox".
*** :default - [http default buttons or submit buttons]
*** :valid and :invalid - input elements that are candidates for constraint validation and either do or don't (respectively) satisfy their constraints.
*** :in-range and :out-of-range - input elements that are candidates for constraint validation and that are neither under nor overflowing (for :in-range) or either under/overflowing (for :out-of-range).
*** :required and :optional - [http see HTML5 description of being required / required attribute]*** :read-only and :read-write - [http see HTML5 description of read-only vs read-write elements].
** additional pseudo-selectors as needed for states/portions included in HTML5 forms elements features
*** "placeholder" attribute - needs a new :-moz-placeholder pseudo-class ([ bug 457801])
===== CSS UI appearance values =====
<span id="CSS3_UI_appearance_values">&nbsp;</span>
From [http CSS3 UI 5.1. Appearance values]:
==== CSS Style Attributes ====
;latest published draft (CR)
;latest development / in progress draft
;spec source (for editing)
;test suite
;issues list for the current draft
===== remaining tasks =====
** emailed 2011-080
See also CSSWG wiki task list: http
==== CSS3 UI ====
;latest published draft
;latest development / in progress draft
;spec source (for editing)
;test suite
;implementation reports of the test suite
;issues list for the current draft
===== remaining tasks =====
Remaining tasks to get CSS3 UI to PR:
* '''resolve issues'''. resolve/apply proposals from issues list: http
* '''collect other tasks'''
** Extract CSS3-UI related tasks from "mozilla-next-actions.txt" local text document
** And add to http as concrete issues to resolutions and status
* '''text-overflow'''
** create an implementer FAQ on the W3C wiki re: text-overflow accordingly
* '''implementation documentation'''. document claims of existing implementations on W3C wiki
** Webkit CSS3 UI - http
** Opera CSS3 UI
*** [] (Internet Archive link)*** http
** Mozilla CSS3 UI
*** [ :default]
***** if/when fixed, add that detail to spec
**** box-sizing prefix drop:
**** move icon support ( http ) to W3C wiki
***** 'icon' property
***** 'content:icon' value
==== CSS4 UI ====
* write CSS4 UI FPWD with:
** public requests recorded: http
*** the below items should be incorporated into that CSSWG wiki page
** previous CSS3-UI features that got dropped
**** 'user-modify'
**** 'user-select'
***** all suggested to replace 'contentEditable': [http www-style: Implementing contentEditable in CSS3 UI]
** other CSS features that are UI related in other CSS or other W3C specs
*** [ :placeholder] pseudo-class. related: [ bug 457801]
*** '''overflow-x overflow-y'''. incorporate '''[ overflow-x]''' and '''[ overflow-y]'''
**** pull-in the entirety of section 16 from
***** http
**** sync (incorporated) any updates/changes in 2.1:
***** http
**** note examples/behaviors in Gresley's overflow tests
***** http
**** search www-style for issues related to 'overflow-x' and 'overflow-y'
***** ask Anne van Kesteren and www-style directly
**** check that css3-marquee implicitly deals with overflow-x and overflow-y correctly
***** http
**** investigate discussion of ink overflow vs layout overflow - [[User:Fantasai|fantasai]] will get more info on this. e.g. box-shadow should never trigger scrollbars. do margins? maybe they don't trigger overflow but if there is overflow anyways (something else triggers scrollbars), then margins influence the dimensions of the scrollable area.
*** '''outline-radius''' per implementation: Mozilla supports [ -moz-outline-radius] (no second implementation however - thus in CSS4 UI)
*** <span id="new-resize-values">new 'resize' values</span> - e.g. '''grow-vertical''', '''grow-horizontal'''
**** Facebook uses some JS to add rows to text areas when you hit the end of the available space. It feels nicer than a scrollbar because you can see all of what you typed -- the height of the text area just grows and grows as you need it. It would be great to have 'resize' property values that allow the browser to auto-grow a textarea as a user enters data, e.g. 'grow-horizontal', 'grow-vertical'. 'grow-vertical' would emulate the current behavior that FB does with JS. (note from fantasai - this is the behavior you'd get with fixed min-height and auto height, so CSS can do this already if HTML doesn't get in the way)
**** Update 2011-032: [http @LeaVerou requested] "elastic textarea effect with pure CSS" [http and follow-up]: "mostly about height, not width" which sounds like resize:grow-vertical. There's also mention of "-moz-available" (need to research that and link it up).
** forward reaching properties/values to enable native-like interfaces
*** 'spell-check'
*** 'grammar-check'
**** both suggested by: [http www-style: Re: Implementing contentEditable in CSS3 UI]*** more "overflow" extensions: http
Additional CSS3 UI related features in Mozilla to investigate:
==== CSS3 Element ====
===== element function =====
Firefox 4 implements background: -moz-element(#foo); to use element with id foo as the background per http
We're pursuing adding element(#foo) as an "at-risk" feature to CSS3.
Proposal (worked with Tab Atkins)
* http* latest: [http added to CSS3 Image editor's draft]
* [http element() 2010-08]* [http element() 2010-09]
* collect new features for CSS3.1/4 Color - color-correction - iterate that on CSSWG wiki:
** search www-style archive for css4-color
** http
* write a first working draft of CSS3.1/4 Color with collected feature(s) (even if it includes just a new color management property)
* find out where Hixie's tests went (was at http ) and figure out what to do with them.
=== DOM API vendor prefixing ===
There are three areas of the open web app platform that this has been problematic:
# '''CSS'''. In the past, some properties were implemented, either as spec'd (and the spec was buggy), or in a way that made sense but incompatible with the spec (because the spec didn't make sense or was not useful to web authors), and then we got "stuck" with those implementations and were not able to update/fix the spec and the respective properties and/or values. Examples:
## 'clip' property. mis-specified in CSS 2.0. implemented as presumed intended in IE4/Windows etc. but turned out to be buggy. some content started depending on it. we (CSS WG at the time) were unable to really fix it in a way that implementations could change, though [http CSS 2.1 tries to fix clip].## 'word-wrap' property. in this case, created/proposed by Microsoft, and [http implemented as of IE5.5/Windows ca 2000](Internet Archive link), we are again, kind of stuck with the particular implementation. [] (Internet Archive link) Forum posts as of 2002 were recommending use of the literal word-wrap property]. Though since Microsoft did switch to advocating/supporting a prefixed version '-ms-word-wrap'. Note that it is also [ supported in Firefox 3.5 ca 2009], and it is in the latest (2007) version of the [http CSS3 Text spec which is just a working draft].### See related 'word-break' property ([http word-break in CSS3 Text WD] - latest, 2007), also [ ] (Internet Archive link) initially (partially) implemented in Internet Explorer 5.x as word-break], and later switched to the prefixed '-ms-word-break'. [ ] (Internet Archive link) More on CSS Compatibility and Internet Explorer].
# '''HTML'''. Too many examples to list here. Some browsers are still stuck supporting <code>&lt;blink&gt;</code> and <code>&lt;marquee&gt;</code> (which has many odd details), nevermind the classic example of <code>&lt;table&gt;</code> layout, with tons of odd special cases and error-handling for compat, originally from Netscape's implementation, reverse-engineered by Microsoft in Internet Explorer, which has subsequently been reverse-engineered by every other browser.
# '''DOM'''. In particular [http Web Storage working draft] (e.g. the 'localStorage' attribute/property) was implemented in multiple browsers (IE8+, Chrome, Safari, Opera, Mozilla as of 2010 - date order unknown). By the time people discovered it was not threadsafe as specified, it was too late to change the spec to fix that problem - it would have broken too many apps/sites already written which apparently depended on it.
==== existing solutions ====
===== CSS vendor prefixes case studies =====
* '''border-radius'''. for a few years now browsers have been implementing ''vendor prefixed'' versions of the border-radius properties, web authors have been experimenting on the web, and the spec has iterated/improved based on feedback. Now we have a well-designed and road-tested 'border-radius' property in a CR spec and implementations are implementing that.
* '''word-wrap vs whitespace: pre-wrap'''. interactions between new properties and new values on existing properties. See this [] (Internet Archive link) example of the property vs value interaction] between the new 'word-wrap' property and the (sometimes prefixed) new 'pre-wrap' value on the 'whitespace' property. The point is to show how prefixing can actually work across different approaches to evolving CSS.
===== CSS vendor prefixes successes =====
Several well known web designers and developers have written at length about the successes of CSS vendor prefixes, and how they have both helped avoid problems from before, and actually improve the evolution of CSS.
* [http A List Apart: Prefix or Posthack] by Eric Meyer* [ WIRED Webmonkey: Advice From the CSS Guru: Embrace Prefixes] (original link <nowiki></nowiki> died at some point) by By Michael Calore* [http The Haystack: Coping with CSS vendor prefixes] by Stephen Hay* [http NOT SUPPORTED] by Jonathan Snook* [http Anne van Kesteren: In defense of CSS prefixes] by Anne van Kesteren
==== analysis of applicability ====
<pre>vendor_prefix _ unprefixed_name</pre>
E.g. HTML5 has a new [http 'pattern' attribute], and we've implemented it in Firefox 4. We really should be using:
* CSS3 Flex Box
** current working draft: http** current editor's draft: http ** Tab's proposed update: http** Tab's documentation of differences between editor's draft and his draft: http
* CSS3 Grid
** 2007-09-05 (current) working draft: http** 2008-01-06 (current) editor's draft: http
* CSS3 Grid Align - not clear on the relation between Grid and Grid Align
** Alex Mogilevsky's CSS3 Grid Align first draft: [] (Internet Archive) link*** Alex's www-style email thread announcing his draft: http** 2010-11-18 (current) editor's draft: http
Some next-steps:
=== Fullscreen ===
One of many aspects of (was "AKA <span id="Full_Screen">Full Screen</span>").
;latest living / development / in progress draft
;spec source (for editing)
;latest snapshot W3C draft
;latest snapshot W3C TR-ready draft
;W3C branch snapshot spec source
;test suite
* make sure feedback is incorporated and FAQs written from
** http** http
* iterate based on feedback / implementer experience
=== CSS Waiting For ===
==== CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders ====
Waiting for CR of http
And then: outstanding UI related issues:
=== Related Features ===
* Context Menu
** see related: 2010-05-03 [http ] (Internet Archive link) The Context Menu Module & Microformats] (JetPack)
* ...
social web
* OAuth (including OAuth 2, xAuth)
* [http Activity Streams]* [http W3C Federated Social Web Incubator] (formerly: [ Federated Social Web])
* ...
** [ OWF wiki changes] - delete/block spam
* WhatWG
** [http &days=183&from= WHATWG wiki changes] - delete/block spam
== Events ==
* W3C Process. Work on improving W3C processes:
** http (proposal for improving CSSWG processes)
** 2012-02-16 [ W3C AB Whiteboard on Agility Issues] (Member only link, notes of my meeting with the W3C AC on improving proces)
==== Annual Summaries ====
===== 2011-06-15 - 2012-06-15 =====
Per Rypple "key accomplishments for the past year":* 2011-06 - Created & co-organized the [[IndieWebCamp]] 2011 event and ongoing community to empower users to own and control their web identities and content.
* 2011-11 W3C TPAC BarCamp - ran first ever W3C TPAC BarCamp day - to great reviews (best TPAC plenary day ever).
* 2011-11 [[HTML5]] &lt;time&gt; - restored the &lt;time&gt; element in HTML5, enhanced it to fit author needs.
* CSS Styling Attribute - achieved CR!
;latest published draft (CR)
;latest development / in progress draft
;spec source (for editing)
;test suite
;issues list for the current draft
* Hixie update reference to CSS Style Attribute draft in [http HTML5 References]
** emailed 2011-080
** fixed 2011-165
* CSS3 Color draft - achieved PR!
;latest published draft
;latest development / in progress draft
;spec source (for editing)
;test suite
;implementation reports of the test suite
;issues list for the current last call
===== CSS3 UI =====
Updated [http CSS3 UI Editor's draft] with:
====== pointer-events ======
* add '''pointer-events''' A way of specifying whether an element is opaque to pointer events (and receives them) or is transparent to them (letting them get handled by what's underneath.
** CSSWG wiki: http
** - Mozilla spec
*** shipped in Firefox 3.6 - demo: [ openweb/pointer-events] (Internet Archive link) [ bug 380573]).
*** See also SVG version:
** http - Webkit spec
*** shipped in Safari 4.0 ([ bug 11395])
** [] (Internet Archive link) Opera proposal]*** [http email proposing]*** [] (Internet Archive link) CSS Hit Testing]
** related: [[SVG:Pointer-events]]
** key issue: precisely define default behavior (auto or visible etc.)
* '''text-overflow'''. incorporated '[ text-overflow]', since it's more a UI/overflow thing than a typesetting thing. There are at least 3 implementations (IE, WebKit, Opera), and has a bug against Firefox: [ 312156]
** Wanted for post-FF4; mats will be working on it, needs spec
** W3C: http*** http for bidi discussions
** DevMo:
** Webkit: http** Microsoft/IE: [] (Internet Archive link)
** write test cases for 'ellipsis' and 'clip' (default value) and confirm cross-browser support.
** Details that [ RoC wants]:
*** If an ellipsis, where does the ellipsis go?
**** it goes instead of the image and any text you have to remove in order to make the ellipsis fit.
** add http CSS IS AWESOME examples/tests to the spec
** capture issues and undefined aspects from fantasai/RoC emails as of 2011-031.
** clarify text per emails from fantasai/RoC
*** the effect of text-overflow:ellipsis on lines whose line boxes are not direct children of the block box(es) with text-overflow.
*** the behavior of text-overflow:ellipsis on a block with 'overflow' of 'scroll' (no good interop, ideal behavior documented, needs screenshots)
**** testcase from RoC: http
**** Safari scrolls the ellipsis ... and doesn't reveal any additional text - this doesn't make sense to me (RoC, nor me Tantek) as a user. If I scroll I should get to see the rest of the content. (Agreed)
**** Opera scrolls the text into view until the you can see the end of the text at which point the block scrolls no further (this is ideal beahvior -t). No ellipsis is display on the otherside of the block when you start scrolling characters off the start edge.
For more details on completed events, see the main [[Events]] page and its archives.
===== Events 2010 =====
* June 1-3 Open Source Bridge, Portland, OR,* June 28-30 Voices That Matter Web Design in SF [] (Internet Archive link)** [ Flickr photoset]: [ 1], [ 2], [ 3]
* July 6-10 [[Summit2010|Mozilla Summit]] in Whistler, Canada.
* July 13 [] (later moved to [ ], both Internet Archive links). Real Estate Connect San Francisco] . (Original version required a click on "Workshops »", search for "HTML5") at Hilton San Francisco Union Square, 333 O'Farrell Street, San Francisco, California
** participating in WORKSHOP: ConnectTech / HTML5 Is Coming, Are You Ready?
* July 17 [ :80/] (Internet Archive link) OpenWebCamp II] at Stanford* July 18 [] (Internet Archive link) Federated social web summit] ([] — Internet Archive link for the schedule])** more info: [] (Internet Archive link) announcement], [] (Internet Archive link for attendees])* August 23-25 [http W3C CSS WG f2f in Oslo]* September 1-3 [http dConstruct in Brighton] - web design and development* September 9 [] (Internet Archive link) MozPub HTML5 meet, with Tantek Çelik] - gather input for HTML5 improvements* September 21-25 [] (Internet Archive link) Web Directions USA] - represent Mozilla in Browsers panel, gather input for HTML5, CSS3.Atlanta, GA
* 2010-10-01...2010-10-02 Open Video Conference, gather input for HTML5 video/media etc.
* 2010-10-03 OVC hack labs - gather input for HTML5 video/media etc.
* 2011-04-19...2011-04-21 Where 2.0 - gather input on GeoLocation additions, browser support for geo apps
* 2011-04-22 WhereCampSF SF 2011 - gather input on browser support for geo apps
* ...
* 2011-07-16 [ Open Web Camp III] (Internet Archive link) - at Stanford, California, United States.
** speaker - on CASSIS. See also [ attendees] (Internet Archive link)
For more, see: [[Events/2011]]
For more, see: [[Events/2011]]
===== Events 2012 =====
See: [[Events/2012]]
* July 14 [] (Internet Archive link) OpenWebCamp IV at San Jose, California
** [ HTML5 and microformats 2 - the next evolutionary step for web data]
===== Events 2013 =====
See: [[Events/2013]]
===== Events 2014 =====
See: [[Events/2014]]
Canmove, confirm

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