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Sheriffing/How To/Retrigger Jobs

109 bytes removed, 23:56, 15 September 2023
Retriggering Nightly Builds: android nightly also runs twice per day now
<span style="color:#FF0000">'''Note:'''</span> We only respin nightlies if we miss them by a few minutes or if we need to get something into the next nightly( for example - fixes for crashes). If they have been running for '''''more than half an hour''''', we <span style="color:#FF0000">won’t</span> retrigger them.
<span style="color:#FF0000">'''Note:'''</span> If you request new Nightlies, only request them for the platforms you canceled. Both '''Firefox for Desktop''' (Windows, Linux, Mac) gets and '''Firefox for Android''' get Nightlies '''twice per day''' (10am and 10pm UTC) while '''Firefox for Android''' only at '''10am UTC'''. If the ''night shift'' needs new Nightlies, it shall only request them for ''desktop''.
===== Steps =====

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