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2,748 bytes added, 19:22, 8 February 2009
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==Event Details== '''When:'''  Friday 6 March, 2009 from 10:00 to 17:00 ''UPDATE: event has moved to Friday 6 March, 2009 from 10:00 to 17:00'' '''Where:''' "MozCamp Den Haag" is to take place in the Royal Library in the Hague, The Netherlands. ''Location is still pending. Utrechtis also an option the organisation team is looking into ... '' =Agenda= This will be a BarCamp-style open space event. Some sessions will be planned in advance (see below). But people will also be able to propose short sessions and talks at the event.  10:00 : Welcome  10:15 : Intro piece on what is the open web and it matters (Tristan Nitot) 11:00 : Open Web technology demo (Paul Rouget) 11:45 : JavaScript piece (Olivier Gambier) (possibly around GreaseMonkey and/or Ubiquity commands) 12:30 : Lunch 13:30 : Hands-on workshops Hands on workshops by whatever Mozilla community people are around. Localization. Marketing. Mozilla Manifesto. Add on development. Open (Ogg Theora) video. Also, similar hands on workshops by other local people and projects. Embedding CC metadata. Running online participatory projects etc... 15:00 : Coffee-break 15:15 : How to promote the benefits of the Open Web and Open Source locally (with help of local organizations) 16:00 : Next step... ==What will we talk about?== <need to write some standard text for this slot> ==Proposed Agenda==  ==Proposed Sessions== Currently, these sessions are proposed for the MozCamp:* "The Netherlands Open in Connection" (Fabrice Mous, [ NOiV])* <session name (presenter name, affiliation)> If you're thinking of running a session, please note it hear so people know what to expect. ==Topics I would like to hear about== If you want someone else to cover a topic, post here: * Rich Internet Applications (RIA), Mozilla Prism* Using media on the Open Web * Accessibility and the Open Web* Cloud Computing, where's the lock-in?* XForms* Working with open source communities, lessons for a government * Firefox om embedded devices (Fennec project)* low adoption rate Firefox at The Netherlands []* legal aspects of the (open) web* <your topic goes here> ==Participants== If you plan on attending, please edit this page and add your name below. Include a link to your blog or web site if you have one. * Fabrice Mous* y* z ==Organisation Team== Some people are currently involved in organizing the MozCamp event in The Netherlands. If you are interested to help out on some organizational stuff please contact the team '''MozCamp2009 [at]''' * Armijn Hemel (NLUUG)* Fabrice Mous (NOiV)* Marcel Nijenhof (NLLGG)* Michiel Leenaars (ISOC)

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