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435 bytes removed, 08:41, 18 February 2009
This will be a BarCamp-style open space event. Some sessions will be planned in advance (see below). But people will also be able to propose short sessions and talks at the event.
PROGRAMME STILL UNDER CONSTRUCTION * 10:00 : Welcome * 10:15 : "What is The Open Web and Why it Matters" - Tristan Nitot* 11:00 : Open Web technology demo - Paul Rouget* 11:45 : JavaScript piece (Olivier Gambier) (possibly around GreaseMonkey and/or Ubiquity commands)* 12:30 : Lunch* 13:30 : Hands-on workshops* 15:00 : Coffee-break* 15:15 : How to promote When final the benefits of the Open Web and Open Source locally (with help of local organizations)* 16:00 : Next step..programme will appear here.
=Hand on workshops=

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