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User talk:Standard8

5,146 bytes added, 21:27, 23 June 2005
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== Importing Address Book discussion ==

=== Driving bugs ===

[ [Bug 99936]] Import Address Books, what should address book names be?

Discusses changing imported names to "Imported Address Book n" for Outlook & Express, Eudora.

[ [Bug 46050]] Address Book name must be unique in the app (disallow duplicate names)

I think this would be useful as it's a UI aid, especially when selecting address books from picker lists.

[ [Bug 102010]] Warning needed for duplicate Address Book while importing from 4.x

Really should apply to all address book imports.

=== IRC Chat (extract) ===

Standard8: What do folks think, when importing address books, should a) use the file name (as we do now) the user has to manually rename it, b) prompt for a name using filename as default, c) prompt for a name using "Imported Address book n" as default.

prompt = extra page on import dialog wizard.

dmose: so when an addressbook is imported, you're importing from an ldif file and that ldif file doesn't contain the pretty name of the addressbook in the old profile or are you talking about cases other than important from 4.x?

Standard8: dmose: I didn't know ldif files could contain the pretty name of the address book.

dmose: i don't think they can

Standard8: I'm talking about import from ldif files (on disk)/csv/txt etc

dmose: ah, ok

Standard8: at the moment we just get a file selection dialog and it's the name of the file.

dmose: to be honest, all three of those sound reasonable to me. i guess i have a very slight preference for b). but i could easily be talked into one of the other choices.

NeilZZZ: hasn't actually used import in anger

Standard8: NeilZZZ, atm the user just gets lumped with the name of the file and they have to rename it via a seperate process, also, means we can get duplicate address books. There's a bug somewhere suggesting there should be a way of specifying it when we import it, there's also bug 99936 suggesting to change all imported books to "Imported Address Book n"

NeilZZZ: ah, well the wizard should check for that at the very least

timely: are we importing from things that have names? Imported Eudora Addressbook

beltzner: so scenario is that user has tb up and running, wants to import addressbook?

timely Imported Eudora Addressbook (2)

dmose i think we typically don't know the source the user just says "Import Addressbook" and up pops a file dialog

timely how can we not know the source? so this is .ldif? well, there's the filename :) does ldif have absolutely no hinting?

dmose we should check re the hinting but there will definitely be cases where there is no hint which is the question of the moment

timely what's the argument in favor of changing our current behavior? does someone dislike it?

Standard8 bah, can't find the bug. I think we need to change it a little at least - import same file twice, and get two address books of the same name, this then becomes confusing when we list the books in menus. there's also bug 99936 which requests all the names of imported address books to be consistent.

timely i'd much rather we figure out our in-line-editing story (of address book list) finder lets you click on a filename and rename it

beltzner The other way to do it would be to use the filename, but put the label of the addressbook in editmode when the import completes

Standard8 I think this may actually all be born out of bug 46050 - address book name must be unique in the app.

Standard8 so if we're going for b (prompt for name, default to filename but unique) for ldif/csv/txt etc files, or at least making the existing filename unique, what do people thing about bug 99936, which covers importing from other apps?

dmose so an interesting question here is what the typical case is likely to be as far as how many addressbooks people have because having an "addressbook" named "addressbook" is kinda silly anything in that pane is going to be an addressbook

Standard8 so "personal address book" is a bit redundant as well then. or rather we could just name it personal

dmose seems that way to me maybe this is stuff where i start deferring to beltzner

beltzner dmose: I'm not sure that the casual user wants >1 addressbook. I mean, this is going on instinct, but with search tools being what they are, I can't see many casual uses for segmentation

Standard8 has 5 address books.

beltzner where it gets interesting is when you can share addressbooks

dmose well, ldap servers are already represented as addresbooks

beltzner I was kinda lumping that into the "shared" definition

Standard8 I think when we discussed it for seamonkey, we came up with the idea of not creating it by default, but suggesting the use if the user enabled collection or something like that.

timely and yeah, naming an address book "addressbook" always seemed silly "Collected Addresses" and "Personal" are good names "Collected Address Book" or whatever was long and wordy (good luck finding a shorter name than collected addresses)
Canmove, confirm, emeritus

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