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Talk:Firefox/Namoroka/Initial Plan

382 bytes added, 19:12, 24 June 2009
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I think we should make a top-level (or at least upper-level) item for refreshing the theme / interface with a big stick. Not just the usual incremental changes and hygiene, but really making a concerted effort to remove clutter, simplify and unify, and make things look well-integrated and beautiful in comparison to things like Chrome and Safari. Also to front-load some of these things, so that it's not all a final rush at the end of the cycle when it's too late to make big changes.
= Cww =
Really small thing to implement (I hope) but big help: get a Help > Troubleshooting Data (or however you want to call it, Diagnostic data, technical data for support techs). This will have list of extensions, recent crashIds plugins and links to sumo things (maybe). The idea is that it should be copy-pasteable to SUMO or some other tech support service for fast help.

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