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Talk:Firefox/Namoroka/Initial Plan

2,359 bytes added, 21:20, 3 July 2009
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Really small thing to implement (I hope) but big help: get a Help > Troubleshooting Data (or however you want to call it, Diagnostic data, technical data for support techs). This will have list of extensions, recent crashIds plugins and links to sumo things (maybe). The idea is that it should be copy-pasteable to SUMO or some other tech support service for fast help.
= pij =
I wish the browser would provide some infrastructure to cope with equivalent URLs/bookmarks.
== The Problem ==
It is quite common to get via different URLs to same content. This can happen for various reasons:
* equivalence by specification, e.g. and
* widely used default configurations and processing rules, e.g.
** and are usually served the same content, often also the same as
** and
** reordering of URL parameters http://foo?x=a&y=b and http://foo?y=b&x=a
* HTTP redirects
* other redirections
* duplicated or empty URL parameters, which are often ignored
Furthermore, there are sets of URLs point to content which are more or less considered the same by most users but is not literally the same, e.g. http://foo vs. https://foo, the latter is more likely to have https:// in hrefs instead of http://, and occasionally there is content specifically for the purpose to help the user to differentiate between the secured and the unsecured version of the content.
The problem is that a user may bookmark the same content using different URLs, and he may end up on a page not marked as bookmarked after opening a bookmark.
As an extension, some users might consider some URLs as related, for example the page of a project, its homepage, its freshmeat page etc., and it may be convenient to manage them as a set. While storing the related bookmarks in a folder is certainly a solution, it has to rely on conventions for expressing certain semantics, e.g. that the first bookmark in the folder represents the canonical, or master URL for the set of bookmarks.
== Suggestions ==
I suggest that the browser should provide
* a mechanism to store named relations between bookmarked URLs
* a UI for presentation an manipulation of a set of related bookmarks
* automatic detection of some common situations and propose a useful action to the user, e.g.
** asking whether a canonicalized URL should be stored instead of the actual URL
** asking whether the https URL should be opened instead of the actual http URL
Extensions could provide more complex functionality, like processing doap files into a set of bookmarks related to the project for fast access to various ressources.

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