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253 bytes removed, 02:19, 25 June 2009
== Checklist ==
* Meet and schedule release - <strong>Entire team</strong>
** Email dev-planning and release-drivers to announce meeting (2 days in advance) - <font color="blue">Project lead</font>
** Have meeting - <font color="blue">Led by Project lead</font>
* Decision on release date - <strong>Entire team</strong>
* Triage of blocking/approval requests as needed - <strong>Entire team (minus build)</strong>
** Schedule meetings - <font color="blue">Project lead</font>
** Alert developers of blockers - <font color="blue">Project lead</font>
** Alert developers of upcoming freeze - <font color="blue">Project lead</font>
* Development code freeze - <font color="red">Dev lead</font>
** Hand off to QA for verifications - <font color="orange">QA Lead</font>
* Ready for builds
** Email release-drivers when all code is in with formal "Go" - <font color="blue">Project lead</font>
*** Include timestamp and bonsai URI from down to the last 24 hourscheckin. Specify timezone in email as well (PST vs PDT).*** Specify l10n cut off, if different
* Builds created (all locales) - <font color="green">Build lead</font>
* QA verification - <font color="orange">QA Lead</font>
** QA completes testing and maps it onto their test plan page (usually at PRODUCTNAME:VERSION:Releases/PRODUCTNAME_VERSION/Test_Plan on the wiki) - <font color="orange">QA Lead</font>
** When signed off, email release-drivers with notification - <font color="orange">QA Lead</font>
* Beta period
** Announce to release-drivers, m.d.a.<application> (i.e. thunderbird or firefox), m.announce.prerelease, m.d.planning - <font color="blue">Project lead</font>
** Announce to devnews - <font color="blue">Project lead</font>** Notify mirrors of beta release - <font color="blue">Project lead</font> emails Justininfra** Notify PR (melissa, nlouxnicole) of "we're shipping in a week" estimate - <font color="blue">Project lead</font>
** Announce to [ AV/Firewall vendors] - <font color="blue">Project lead</font>
** Announce to security group - <font color="red">Security lead</font>
*** to security -group and security-announce aliases
** Monitor feedback - <font color="orange">QA Lead</font>, <font color="blue">Project lead</font>
** Stage release notes, other website changes
** Vet past marketing (jslater@m.c)
** Alert Mozilla Europe/Japan/China as soon as release notes (and product-details bug) are ready - <font color="blue">Project lead</font>
*** Be sure to give them the estimated release date and time.
** Alert webdev (clouserw/morgamic/wenzel) of when release is planned for (for product-details pushing) - <font color="blue">Project lead</font>
* Decision to release - <strong>Entire team</strong>
** If yes, let IT (infra) know 24-48 hours ahead of time based on [[Build:ReleasePolicy|release policy]] - <font color="blue">Project lead</font>** Notify PR (melissa, nlouxnicole) of "we're shipping in x days/hours/minutes" estimate - <font color="blue">Project lead</font>
* Final Release
** Bits to mirrors - <font color="blue">Project lead</font> sends "go email"hours ahead of time
*** Push actual bits - <font color="green">Build lead</font>
** Verify bits on releasetest channel - <font color="orange">QA Lead</font>
** Push website changes - <font color="blue">Project lead</font>
** Push security advisories - <font color="red">Security lead</font>
*** Don't forget the security center changes []
** QA verifies website changes - <font color="orange">QA Lead</font>
** Build pushes to release channel - <font color="green">Build lead</font>
* Notify the world - <font color="blue">Project lead</font>
** all -at- (so all staff knows)
** drivers -at- (so drivers outside Mozilla Corp know)
** newsgroup
** m.announce newsgroup (all product release announcements are expected here)
** MDC Devnews
** Post the [ Press Release]
** File IT/Server Ops request to add stats info*** Something like "Subject:Add 2.0.0.x to stats;Description:Please add 2.0When you have completed these steps, rinse, repeat.0Every month.x to our stats. FirefoxActiveUserCountByVersion, Firefox20DownloadsByVersion, etc."

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