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22 bytes removed, 17:07, 7 September 2009
* Ready for builds
** Email release-drivers when all code is in with formal "Go" - <font color="blue">Project lead</font>
*** Include For 1.9.0, include timestamp and bonsai URI down to the last checkin. Specify timezone in email as well (PST vs PDT).*** For 1.9.1, include a changeset*** Specify l10n cut off, if different(1.9.0-only) as well
* Builds created (all locales) - <font color="green">Build lead</font>
** Email release-drivers when builds are created - <font color="green">Build lead</font>
** Email betatesters when builds are created - <font color="blue">Project lead</font>
* QA verification tests builds - <font color="orange">QA Lead</font>
** QA completes testing and maps it onto their test plan page (usually at Releases/PRODUCTNAME_VERSION/Test_Plan on the wiki) - <font color="orange">QA Lead</font>
** When signed off, email release-drivers with notification - <font color="orange">QA Lead</font>
** Alert Mozilla Europe/Japan/China as soon as release notes (and product-details bug) are ready - <font color="blue">Project lead</font>
*** Be sure to give them the estimated release date and time.
** Alert webdev (wenzel/clouserw/morgamic/wenzel) of when release is planned for (for product-details pushing) - <font color="blue">Project lead</font>
* Decision to release - <strong>Entire team</strong>
* Final Release
** Bits to mirrors - <font color="blue">Project lead</font> sends "go email" at least 8 hours ahead of time
*** Push actual bits - <font color="green">Build lead</font>
** Verify bits on releasetest channel - <font color="orange">QA Lead</font>

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