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Talk:Firefox/Namoroka/Initial Plan

74 bytes added, 05:09, 6 July 2009
fix all heading levels since = and == (H1 and H2) look identical and were used inconsistently
== shaver ==
* what is "aggressive use of connection pre-caching"?
** ''added notes to help explain -- beltzner''
** ''not outside of this document -- beltzner''
*And what about Linux integration?
*GNOME key-manager, Notify-OSD for notifications, for example.
== MacMel ==
* The user interface must be part of alpha test/feedback, beta is really too late.
** ''Agreed. Under this plan there will be many alpha milestones which will contain user interface iterations based on the various prototypes, but that will solidify by the time we reach beta. During beta, small changes to the user interface will be permitted, but only due to wider feedback. [[User:Beltzner|Beltzner]] 14:53, 1 April 2009 (UTC)''
** ''Yup, that's part of the [[Firefox/FeatureTemplate|Template]]. [[User:Beltzner|Beltzner]] 14:53, 1 April 2009 (UTC)''
== DougT ==
* Both windows 7 and snow leopard will have location services. Our geolocation implementation should make use of these system services.
== jwatt ==
Perhaps a couple of small tweaks:
* s/intended release target/tentative release target/
* s/properly investing time/best investing our time/
== nth10sd ==
* For the Performance goal, Mozmill scripts may be a good ways getting performance numbers per actual use by an end user. Examples include:
** Opening 1,000 tabs and visiting sites in each. (while not common, there _are_ folks who use an insane number of tabs - and there have been reports of lagginess or similar when there is such a large number of tabs)
** Reference at [ mozmill-dev] thread.
== Nathaniel ==
I love the Task Based Navigation idea, and especially the tab grouping aspect. Along those lines, I think my concept [ Tab Grouping] might be an interesting starting point for conceptualizing what this will entail. I look forward to your feedback.
== Security ==
A few security-related suggestions:
* Although some code may slow down ~10% with longer addresses, use of the XMM registers greatly speeds up some code as well. Overall, I would expect performance to be about the same based on other benchmarks. Not everyone will be able to run these binaries, but, IE8 on Vista 64 already has these enhancements, and I would hate to see Firefox not have them available.
== blizzard ==
* I've heard a lot of good feedback on the chrome download manager - can we spend some time during the prototyping period to look and see if we can make some improvements?
== Adam757 ==
* IEAK style administration kit, allowing flexible, locked-down settings deployment for corp. environments
== johnath ==
* about:support - We should not let this slip another release - it's a great force-multiplier - a small amount of developer time to make our support organization loads more effective.
== skierpage ==
''pay little attention, just a user :-)''
-- [[User:Skierpage|Skierpage]] 02:25, 6 July 2009 (UTC)
== Mute Background Music ==
Sometimes we visit websites with a background music which we can not control unless we lower or mute the sound from the master control. I think it will be useful if we can mute that sound without affecting the sound coming from the other tabs and windows of FireFox.
--[[User:Goolic|Goolic]] 00:25, 4 July 2009 (UTC)
== Electrolysis ==
It seems that [[content Processes|Electrolysis]] is planned within the same timeframe as 3.6's development process. If all goes well, will it be seen in Namoroka? --[[User:RayneVanDunem|RayneVanDunem]] 17:46, 29 May 2009 (UTC)
== dolske ==
I think we should make a top-level (or at least upper-level) item for refreshing the theme / interface with a big stick. Not just the usual incremental changes and hygiene, but really making a concerted effort to remove clutter, simplify and unify, and make things look well-integrated and beautiful in comparison to things like Chrome and Safari. Also to front-load some of these things, so that it's not all a final rush at the end of the cycle when it's too late to make big changes.
== Cww ==
Really small thing to implement (I hope) but big help: get a Help > Troubleshooting Data (or however you want to call it, Diagnostic data, technical data for support techs). This will have list of extensions, recent crashIds plugins and links to sumo things (maybe). The idea is that it should be copy-pasteable to SUMO or some other tech support service for fast help.
== pij ==
I wish the browser would provide some infrastructure to cope with equivalent URLs/bookmarks.-- [[User:pij]], 21:44, 3 July 2009
=== The Problem ===
It is quite common to get via different URLs to same content. This can happen for various reasons:
As an extension, some users might consider some URLs as related, for example the page of a project, its homepage, its freshmeat page etc., and it may be convenient to manage them as a set. While storing the related bookmarks in a folder is certainly a solution, it has to rely on conventions for expressing certain semantics, e.g. that the first bookmark in the folder represents the canonical, or master URL for the set of bookmarks.
=== Suggestions ===
I suggest that the browser should provide

Navigation menu