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Talk:Firefox/Namoroka/Initial Plan

1,434 bytes added, 09:57, 11 July 2009
Added znerd's comments: printing web pages and ellipsis on text overflow
Extensions could provide more complex functionality, like processing doap files into a set of bookmarks related to the project for fast access to various resources.
===Printing web pages===
The printing of web pages is an area that could use considerable improvement. Rendering pages for display on a screen gets a lot of attention from Mozilla developers and the end result, Gecko, works great in this respect.
However, printing seems to get a lot less attention. It would be nice if, for example, the printing-related CSS properties would get a decent review, improvements where needed and some automated tests.
For more information, see:
* [ Mozilla CSS support chart] (at
* [ bug 132035]
===Ellipsis on text overflow===
Secondly, support for [ text-overflow: ellipsis] (see [ bug 312156]) would be very much welcomed, as this is an example of a minor issue that causes many web developers great grief. A lot of [ different] [ complex] [ workarounds] have been employed just to get around this. Adding native support would really help a lot.
Note: Simon Montagu appears to be working on the bug.
: [[User:Znerd|Znerd]] 09:57, 11 July 2009 (UTC)

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