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4,954 bytes added, 22:26, 12 July 2009
add 07/14
<small>[[SeaMonkey:StatusMeetings:2009-06-30|&laquo; last meeting]] | [[SeaMonkey:StatusMeetings|index]]</small>

'''SeaMonkey Meeting Details'''

* Time: [ July 14, 2009, 12:00 UTC]
* Location: [irc:// #seamonkey IRC channel]

== Agenda ==
* Who's taking minutes?

=== Action Items ===
(who needs to do what that hasn't been recorded in a bug) We should assign people to the open items.


* Get permission from Google to use their geolocation JSON service '''[KaiRo]'''. Contact at Google says: "We don't have a good estimate for when GLS will be opening up more broadly, but I will be sure to let you know when we take that step. Sorry that I can not be more specific at this time." - We can only wait right now.


=== SeaMonkey 2 Beta 1 ===

Bug Queries

[ open blockers] (1)
[ all blockers] (2)
[ blocker requests] (1)

* Triage of the remaining blocker nominations?
* Beta 1 freeze '''today''' at 23:50 PDT
* Blocker {{Bug|484175}} (History Import from SeaMonkey 1.1.x is not working): how can we progress? Do we need to really block this Beta on that problem?
* Tabmail is still missing. It needs a bit more work and reviews, but it's reaching a usable state, will not make this beta but needs to be pushed to b2.

=== SeaMonkey 2 Beta 2 ===

Bug Queries

[ open blockers] (0)
[ all blockers] (0)
[ blocker requests] (3)

* We might want to take {{bug|474701}} depending on how it works out in Thunderbird.
* Tabmail is the largest missing feature.
** Prerequisite for Lightning which we would like to support in final.

=== Longer-Term SeaMonkey 2 Planning ===

[ open wanted] (11)
[ wanted requests] (21)

[ Bug statistics] for last two (full) weeks: 33 new, 15 fixed, 39 triaged.

Major wanted/needed features:

* Download manager aftermath:
** {{bug|474622}} Hook up delete key to deleting entries in new download manager - Jens should be near to landing
** {{bug|490464}} Update the Download pref pane for use with new DLMGR - '''landed'''
* Toolbar customization aftermath:
** status/updates?
* {{bug|460960}} Port Thunderbird tabbed interface to MailNews.
** status/updates?
* {{bug|456757}} Modern theme update. prometeo has stepped up to work on this.
** status/updates?
* {{bug|460699}} Make the default theme look better on mac.
** status/updates?
* {{Bug|348720}} New icon set for "SeaMonkey Default Theme".
** No News.
* {{bug|410613}} OpenSearch. '''helpwanted'''.
** We need to check if OpenSearch can support all our existing functionality, for example the INTEPRETS section in Sherlock search plugins. Mnyromyr will check on that, and on how extensible the Firefox code is.
** We probably need to move this item to (or Beta 2?).
* {{bug|460953}} Port jminta's kill-rdf to SeaMonkey where applicable.
** There isn't any urgent need for progress on this as long as we don't break. <small>It might be good for extensions if we to convert our folder pane to be JS-driven e.g. calendar wants to put items there</small>.

=== Roundtable ===

Status Updates from developers - what are you working on, what's the progress, any other comments? (feel free to add yourself to the list if your name is missing and you have interesting status).

==== ajschult ====
==== Aqualon ====
==== asrail ====
==== biesi ====
==== Callek ====
==== IanN ====
==== KaiRo ====
* As always, [ my blog] has more detailed status about my work.

==== mcsmurf ====
==== Misak ====
==== Mnyromyr ====
==== MReimer ====
==== Neil ====
==== Ratty ====
==== sgautherie ====
==== Standard8 ====
* See [].

==== stefanh ====
==== wladow ====

=== Any other business? ===
Accountapprovers, antispam, canmove, confirm, emeritus

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