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Releases/Firefox 3.5.2/Test Plan

1,797 bytes added, 20:40, 27 July 2009
Created page with '== Firefox 3.5.2 Test Plan == == Description of Release == This will likely be a chem-spill release to address critical bugs in Firefox. == Specific Plan for 3.5.2 == We need …'
== Firefox 3.5.2 Test Plan ==

== Description of Release ==
This will likely be a chem-spill release to address critical bugs in Firefox.

== Specific Plan for 3.5.2 ==
We need to verify bug fixes. In addition we will go through the usual checks for our maintenance releases: smoketests, basic functional tests, l10n spot checks, and updates checks.

== Schedule ==
Given the chemspill nature of this release, we will have an accelerated schedule. TBD

* Code Freeze: Week of 7/27
* QA Starts Verifications: Week of 7/27
* Builds Start: Week of 7/27
* QA Cycle: Week of 7/27
** Smoketests: Half day - 3 people
** BFTs: One full day - 3 people
** l10n: Half day - 3 people
** Updates checks ''betatest'': Half day - 3 people
** Updates Beta(?): Week of 7/27, half day - 3 people

* Verifications: Everyone who can help (tester1, tester2, ...)
* Smoketests: 3 people (tester1, tester2, ...)
* BFTs: 3 people (tester1, tester2, ...)
* l10n checks: 3 people (tester1, tester2, ...)
* Updates checks: 3 people (tester1, tester2, ...)

== Builds ==
We'll have links to the builds as they become available.

== Test Results ==
* Verifications: '''TBD'''
* [[Releases/Firefox 3.5.2/Test Plan:Smoketests | Smoketests and BFTs]]: '''result'''
* [[Releases/Firefox 3.5.2/Test Plan:l10n | l10n Spot Checks]]: '''result'''
* [[Releases/Firefox 3.5.2/Test Plan:Software Update | Updates]]: '''result'''

== Bugs to Verify (To be added)==
* [ '''Full List (fixed or verified by now)''']
* [ '''Blocker Bugs''']
* [ '''Ride-along bugs''']

'''Important:''' Please read Sam's post on dev-planning regarding the new verification editing procedures.
Canmove, confirm

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